Important Supreme Court Case on Monday

by Hortensia 28 Replies latest social entertainment

  • GLTirebiter

    The latest attack against the "doctrine of first sale". This also has the potential to hurt public libraries.

  • Berengaria

    I can see the other side of this one. How can writers, publishers, researchers, etc. Keep producing the materials if they are continualling seeing lowered revenue?

  • Berengaria
    This also has the potential to hurt public libraries.
    That's highly doubtful. Libraries are good customers. Even used book stores and garage sales can't possibly in a lifetime compare to online sales.
  • JeffT

    Thank you Beks. Contrary to what many people think writing doesn't pay very well. I've been trying to get published since 2001 (and I worked on the project part time for several years before that). Last year, for the first time I made some money as a writer: all of $875.

    As an author, I am very concerned about the marketability of my product. And let's keep something in mind, this isn't a college kid who wants to sell a book he doesn't plan on needing again, ever. This is a businessman importing products that were intended for a foreign market. Ask yourself this question: is book publishing another industry you want the US to ship overseas? I don't know quite how I want this to go, I'm glad SCOTUS is going to take its time.

  • GLTirebiter

    Libraries rely on the first sale doctrine to protect the practice of lending books (and periodicals, audio recordings, videos, etc.) without paying royalties for each loan. From the cited article (emphasis is mine):

    "First sale" is the rule that allows owners to resell, lend out, or give away copyrighted goods without interference. Along with fair use, it's the most important limitation on copyright. ... Even libraries are concerned their right to lend out books bought abroad could be inhibited.

  • Berengaria

    Yes that's scary and all GL (particularly since I am a Library Assistant), but lending libraries have been in existance...................................long time. Used book stores too. It's Amazon and the like that are killing the biz. As a customer, I love it, I have searched and pined for books in the past, now I can get them no trouble. But you are still thinking as a consumer. What motivation is there for the publisher? I mean even the writer has a built in need to write. But if he can't make a living doing it, and a publisher can't make a living publishing it.............................................?

    Textbook prices really piss me off, but then I wonder how many people, how much research did it take to make the darn thing? They won't do it if they aren't compensated.

  • DarioKehl

    What's the word on this? Did they cancel the session due to the storm? I've been unable to locate any news on this story anywhere this week.

  • Hortensia

    They didn't cancel court -- they heard the arguments. An answer is expected by June, 2013

  • ziddina

    I don't fully understand the issues at stake, here, but if it affects resale of used books, that directly affects my purchasing and reading habits.

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