Why are there so many pedophiles predators in the Watchtower Corporation?

by Brokeback Watchtower 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    One reason is because the Governing Body's policies allow them to run loose in the congregation with their secrecy/kangaroo courts.

    To keep Jehovah's name untarnished(organization sock puppet) they have put the little rank and file member at risk.

    One member of the GB was a child molester.

    Sexual repression also seems to aggravate the situation and make matters worse.

    The Governing Body main concern is not children but how to keep the scam going and so if they can get the victim to shut up and not go to the police as it offers a temporary fix.



    One word is at the heart of the issue: LEGALISM


    strict adherence, or the principle of strict adherence, to law or prescription, especially to the letter rather than the spirit.

    2. Theology.
    1. the doctrine that salvation is gained through good works.
    2. the judging of conduct in terms of adherence to precise laws.


  • Finkelstein

    I don't think that there is any more pedophilia activity than any other religion but what has come to publics attention recently is this religious organization has been irresponsibly placing hush policy when they do encounter a situation and this is mostly been orchestrated in the attempt to protect the outward image of the organization, from both within and outside of it.

    The WTS has been treating this behavior as a typically sexual misconduct sin such as fornication and adultery, when in most countries its a very egregious crime, susceptible to strong penalties.

  • millie210

    I agree with you Finkelstein,

    Additionally, no one else is running around saying they have "The Truth"

    Having the only "truth" plus a regular amount pedophiles tends to make people wonder why you think you have more "truth" than anyone else.

  • flipper

    They go to prisons and recruit these creeps.

    They seem to think becoming JWs will cure the pedophiles. Incredibly arrogant.

    The pedophiles probably feel like they've hit the jackpot when they find out how the Watchtower deals with child abuse.

    The Watchtower is run by puffed up patriarchal old testament style misogynists. Women and children are way less important than men. Women are spiritually weak temptresses (that's why they have asked 7 year old abuse victims what they were wearing).

    And a good dose of "Boys will be boys."

    I think there's a good chance the Watchtower has more pedophiles per capita than a lot of other religions.

    Mrs. Flip

  • SimonSays

    Interesting! Which one of the Governing body was a child molester?

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Greenlees as the story has it. He was let go as a GB because of it.
  • SimonSays

    Oh I see, I thought you had firsthand knowledge not passed on since you were so sure of yourself since no one really knows what happened between 1984 -1990. The assumption you propose is pedophilia but some suggest for being GAY, but you also know the end result. Okay then, carry on. The ironic fore mentioned is he was real good friends with Raymond Franz, HMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

  • scary21

    Jan. 1 1986 WT pg 13.......shocking as it seems, some high up in the org have been homosexuals, wife swappers, and child molesters.........right from the horses mouth for those in denial. The wife swapping thing really blows my mind because that takes four........count them 4 consenting people I've never ever heard Leo was friends with Ray ??????? Where did THAT come from ??????

  • Simon
    One member of the GB was a child molester.

    And of course you can prove that?

    Throwing out accusations without things to back them up DOES NOT HELP. It simply provides ammunition for people to dismiss all claims as fictitious inventions.

    There have been numbers bandied around and we know that certain policies and mindsets may pose more of a threat than would otherwise be the case but there is nothing conclusive that proves they are worse than other similar groups (which in itself is an indictment of a group claiming to represent god and be uber-spiritual).

    I don't think we need to make up any crazy claims and shouting things in the street or posting them on the internet doesn't constitute proof of anything.

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