Just curious.
How is the Brooklyn Bethel responding to Sandy?
by Iamallcool 46 Replies latest jw friends
Marvin Shilmer
“I'm sure that Johnny …”
Ug! Please don’t take this group down that dreadful path. Please. Pretty please!
Marvin Shilmer
They may be thinking, Sandy is one of the four winds metioned in revealation. May be Sandy being the only most signficant storm ever in this generation, armageddon is on the way. The writting department might be thinkinig of writting a new article on that. Other than that, I will wait on Jonny for updates.
If there`s a disaster..
Bethel will lock its doors to the Outside World,then write a promotional article..
About how the WBT$ was first on the Disaster Scene,giving Aid to everyone..
How Obama is flying in to take lessons about disaster relief from the WBT$..
No mention will be made..
JW`s were referred to the Salvation Army by the WBT$,if they were in need..
Hopefully the Salvation Army will still be there for JW`s,after Armageddon hits..
The WBT$ isn`t running a Charity..