Would Paul have debated theistic evolution, ID, etc... had he been alive today?

by Christ Alone 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I submit that Paul was arguing in the context of what people believe IN THOSE DAYS. I think that he would have debated, much like we do, atheism, evolution, scientific process, etc... just as we do today.

    In Paul's day, evolution was not even dreamed about. I'm not using this as an argument against evolution or atheism. I'm saying that Paul would have been very involved with what evolutionists are proposing today and would have gotten deep into the debate, like many others of us that do profess belief in an intelligent designer do today.

    Just a thought...

  • james_woods

    No, he would be busy opposing women's rights.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    You beat me to it James! He'd be too busy defending his views on women to discuss anything else.

  • Sulla

    More than a little simplistic on the women's rights thing -- his very unfashionable talk about husbands loving their wives so far as to die for them seems a little hard to square with the standard Paul-is-a-mysogynist stuff. But, whatever floats your boat, I guess.

    But I think I disagree with ChiristAlone on this question. Paul was always, well almost, responding to specific problems within churches. Whenever we see theology, except at the very end, it seems like almost an accident. As if, when trying to reason through the problems that people were having, Paul was reflecting on what being a Christian might have to do with those problems. I don't read Paul as making many attempts to engage questions that were sideshows to living the Christian life. Evolution, it seems to me, is just such a sideshow.

  • mP

    Paul could barely write and probably had the education equivalent to that of a 5-6 year old. He would not have a clue what you were talking about.

  • glenster


    F.F. Powell argues that Paul, in his epistles, made use of many of the ideas of
    the Greek philosopher Plato, sometimes even using the same metaphors and lan-
    guage. For example, in Phaedrus, Plato has Socrates saying that the heavenly
    ideals are perceived as though "through a glass dimly." These words are echoed by
    Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:12.

    If Paul kept up with philosophy, I don't think he'd have argued for intelligent
    design. Maybe he'd have known about Mortimer Adler ("How to Think About God").

  • transhuman68

    Paul would be completely lost in today's society and the interfaith Christian community, and he would probably become an internet troll. I think he would have felt more at home in the Spanish Inquisition; putting his fellow Christians on the rack and stretching them until they confessed to disagreeing with him!

  • Phizzy

    Which Paul are you talking about ? there are writings in the N.T attributed to Paul that are not supported as really Pauline by the majority of modern N.T scholars.

    Colossians ,Ephesians, 2nd Thessalonians and the Pastoral Letters, 1st and 2nd Timothy & Titus, are all considered Deutero-Pauline.

    The impression of Pauls thoughts and personality, and Christology and Theology, that we carry may well be influenced by these writings by other hands.

    It seems to me that the real Paul as found in the writings accepted as by him, would have been well up to speed with the thinking of this day, and would have contributed no end to anything that was worthy of debate.

    It is difficult to Hypothesise though, would he have been a Christian, a Theist in any way ? would his excellent education allow him to take his damasene brain storm as real experience ? or would modern medicine confirm to him it was a fleeting ischaemic attack and not to be trusted ?

  • cantleave

    Paul was a total asshole. I wouldn't waste my time arguing with any self proclaimed cult leader!

  • Phizzy

    I disagree Cantleave, the Paul that comes through in the genuine writings by him is quite a nice bloke, the later stuff by others and the writer of Hebrews are not a guide to the real Paul.

    I think he would have found a cause to work for with passion, maybe saving the planet? I don't think any modern religion would fool him.

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