We should set 3 topics
1. Creation and Evolution (origins of life)
2. Religion
3. Misc
We take it in turns, theists first, then atheists etc etc all choosing one piece of evidence, topic, paper, book etc
Every two weeks we select a piece of evidence or journal etc and all consider it and examine it and critically appraise it. Maybe its a book and we have a month (or whatever) ,we take it in turns choosing a paper, item, book, that we ALL examine. Then we only debate the facts and research here, not personal ideas like "atheists are all....." or "believers dont know....." I know, i am guilty too.
Let the evidence for both sides see the light of day, lets leave conjecture, personal opinion and trolls left behind.
It is up to the the side choosing the evidence to judge the quality of the source and the duty of the opposite to question it.
Perhaps the mods could give us our own section?