on the jw.org site, look at the 2/1/2012 PUBLIC WT, page 27 of the PDF...section 4"How are Jehovah's Witnesses Organized Today". If anybody noticed, I mentioned I thought that no mention of 'faithful and discreet slave' possibly since 2010 in the public placed WT's. I've read all of them backtracking to 2/1/2012 so far, and so far, my suspicion has proven true, no mention. I have 14 more to go over. Anyway.......in this WT, it says and I quote..."Similarly today Jehovah's witnesses recognize Jesus as their Leader. They also benefit from the guidance of a Governing Body of experienced elders who provide Scriptual encouragement and direction for the more then 100,000 congregations." Now in the study WT's....12/15/2012 they attempt to link the other faithful slave quote in Luke 12, which is the same thing but uses the word steward instead with elders. Since the PUBLIC WT's are not mentioning the faithful and discreet slave, and since we know they announced annointed are not the faithful and discreet slave only the governing body, since they used to teach that anointed get holy spirit and understanding, they are moving and manuevering to soon have governing body who are NOT anointed, so control is given to whoever will obey whoever is really pulling the strings, and also since they are just elders, who are the governing body, it's further not having to be correct information. They are prepping things up for new people. The public magazines are not teaching any of the core major things JW's believe. So they are being deceived.
I think I stumbled onto the eventual plan for the governing body teaching today.....
by EndofMysteries 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals
sorry all one paragraph, it's weird seems certain days IE will work and some days all one paragraph lol.
I think you might be on to something EOM
I Want to Believe
I don't see them wanting to do that. Cult leaders always have a "specialness" that makes them qualified to lead, and there's no reason to undermine their power base with "mundanes." Besides, right now they can just appoint anyone they like and bam!--that person has suddenly recieved the heavenly calling and became one of the annointed. Much simpler.
The anointed are a liability for getting holy spirit, they just did away with that aspect, but also they can't risk giving somebody teh offer if they say they are anointed then they expose it, so now if they do that, they can appoint whoever kisses their feet the most and not worry about it being only anointed ones, because if they got a true anointed in there, they may correct many of the wrong things happening.
they may also say that all anointed are gone, whoever says they are anointed are just imagining things....then they can go back to the doctrine of the anointed communicating only with the elders in the GB for the new light. They are trying to plan for the next 100 years here. Fortunately....there is a good chance if they don't correct themselves very soon, it's going to go down.
we will see what happens when any die off, but to the world, the definition of governing body is 'experienced elders' and no mention of anointed or faithful slave atleast through Feb 2012 of the public watchtowers. Hope to see the rest by tomorrow down to 1/1/2011.
They are victims of victims, just another group in the world of weeds and wheat, yet to be separated on Christ's final return.
I Want to Believe
EoM said: "...because if they got a true anointed in there, they may correct many of the wrong things happening."
Ok, I can see where we have vastly different assumptions.
I Want to Believe
EDIT: double post