What is the purpose of your life as a human being and what are your plans for the future?

by Healthworker 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    My apologies. No offense was intended. Just that the thread title brought back my feelings about the very similar Watchtower question they used to get their foot in the door with gullible people. I'm outta this thread!

  • Healthworker


    "My apologies. No offense was intended"

    Your apology is accepted! Thanks!

    Love from bro Healthworker

  • Nambo


    Do you know how they harvest frog's legs? They simply snip off the legs and dump the live body in the garbage. It is probably one of the most inhumane slaughter practices out there. The fact that they are factory farmed in Asia increases the likelihood that the animals will be mistreated.

  • Healthworker


    I did not make this thread for you to communicate with glander about frogs! You can send him a pm if you want.

    The thread is about is:

    What is the purpose of your life as a human being and what are your plans for the future?

    If you do not want to share your honest answer, pls do not comment on this thread.

    Love Healthworker

  • Healthworker


    "Completing college as possible. Schools feels so pointless"

    - Agree with that. School may feel very pointless! To many subjects are not practical. The only thing I learned at school which was valuable, was languages and maths , at least of what I remember! The real good stuff, I learned in my education as Healthworker!

    Anyways, hope you complete college and that you learn something that you feel are worth while!

    Love from bro Healthworker

  • Healthworker

    nancy drew

    "I'm searching for what i can really know about what we are and what's really going on and then when i get tired of that i switch gears and find things that are pleasurable to me and enjoy life as much as I can considering I have no idea what the purpose of life really is."

    - Cool, like that! Yup, I do that myself. Use some energy to search and find answers and then after a while i need to just enjoy life! I guess is all about balance and not using to much energy on things we cannot change or understand!

    Wish you well,

    Love Healthworker

  • Nambo

    Sorry Healthworker, allthough as allready stated, my Lifes purpose was the protection and wellbeing of our slimey friends, my post to Glander could be construed as most relevant to this thread as it demonstates my lifes purpose actually in action!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Nambo....I love your plan.

  • Chariklo

    To expand on Vanderhoven's lovely definition, which I so enjoyed, it could be said that I believe that our life's purpose could be expressed thus: to learn to love with God as God loves and to be happy with him for ever in heaven.

    That pretty well sums it up for me.

    Healthworker, thanks for your PM this morning and I have replied.

  • Healthworker


    "my post to Glander could be construed as most relevant to this thread as it demonstates my lifes purpose actually in action"

    As i said to Glander, the more you post Nambo, the more you expose yourself for what you are!

    Love Healthworker

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