Is there an excuse to Hate?

by Terry 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • braincleaned

    hu man ism |'(h)yoom??niz?m| noun] an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.


    Again, ''humanisim has no better track to offer?".....

  • braincleaned

    An atheist (non-theist) is a 'believer' the same way a non-runner is an athlete.

    Having to defend this is really getting old, to be honest... sigh...

  • Glander

    Both Love and Hate are sources of the strongest emotions. Some people are more driven by emotion than intellect. Very few people are not influenced by it, and they are considered sociopaths.

    Hate can be a source of emotional energy just as much as love can. Some people need someone or something to hate more than they need love.

    I don't think it was included above, but politics should be on the list of things that can become hateful.

    The definition of "hate" in the dictionary always includes the word "hostility" which of course is the state of mind just before "violence" occurs.

  • Terry

    A fine point, perhaps, but justifiable violence is not the same thing as hate.

    I'd much prefer to be hated by a Buddhist than by almost any other religion, that's for sure!

    (But, now that I think about it, that would mean I was probably a real Turd!)

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    what's wrong with hate? hate and love, two sides of the same coin... the problem is that people, including me, forgot how to hate properly. i'd love to hate, but i somehow can't.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Yes, hate and anger can motivate. You may hate seeing cruelty of humans and animals, it may motivate you to help them.

  • Terry

    Ahh, but the topic is not "Should we hate?" now is it?


    the Topic is....(read it)...

  • Finkelstein

    Is there an excuse to Hate ?

    in the face of ridged apathetic evil expressed upon others then yes !

    I am a secular humanist.

  • Satanus

    Yes, there are always excuses, many many excuses to hate. SHOULD we hate, as you say, is a different topic.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    The question was is there an excuse to hate?

    I said yes, there is. Because the emotion of hate and anger can be motivating.

    Now if we are talking about religious hatred...the fact that they confuse Love and hatred to be the same thing is a different question.

    Hate in itself is neither good nor bad and needs no exuses. What people do with that emotion is the issue.

    I have not said we should or shouldn't.

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