Jonathan Holt's wife, Amanda Holt
by blondie 24 Replies latest jw friends
Whitney and her husband, Clint knew Holt and his wife. They were neighbors at a Gresham apartment complex
and sometimes house-sat for each other, when they went out of town.
They were also all members of the same Jehovah's Witness congregation.
This is the first time I've seen "official" confirmation that they belonged to the same congregation.
It was never clear (to me anyway) if they were in the same congregation or in sister congregations who shared a Kingdom Hall.
The local news reports, that used police info, that I always read, listed them as part of the same church or congregation. The JW spin was always, "he's an irregular attendee" or "he attended some meetings".
At this point, as things are getting spun way out there by local dubs, I don't believe much coming from JW sources. I'd rather rely on police reports and news reports (even if the news reports may have errors. At least they aren't trying to mislead on purpose)
JW GoneBad
A member of Holt’s congregation states the following in an email:
‘Jonathan Holt is a brother, has been baptized 4 or 5 years, and was a MS, but was reproved last year and removed. Since he is an EMT he was on the RBC list for First Aid but a few months ago an RBC overseer called him for a project, he told the overseer he wasn't interested in working on the RBC projects anymore.
I also found out that the police found child pornography in his computer, so he definitely was leading a double life. I feel sorry for his dear wife of 1 1/2 yrs’
whoa there, is this scriptural? Does she have 2 witnesses?
Holt confessed, no need for 2 witnesses, so yes it is "scriptural".
Holt confessed, no need for 2 witnesses, so yes it is "scriptural".
Has he confessed to the elders though? Criminal cases are not the same as judicial cases.
It has been reported that Holt's wife has already filed for divorce. Since the elders have not met with Holt, nor heard his confession of sin personally, technically speaking... she is not following scriptural WT policy in this matter. She is running ahead of the organization. Therefore she is not free to divorce just yet.
If one wants to push a camel through the needle's eye, that the WTS is wont to do
I am sure the elders believed his confession to the authorities. Enough Said!
"You will know them by their love among themselves"
Truly the happiest people on earth.
A true spiritual paradise
Since the elders have not met with Holt, nor heard his confession of sin personally
I don't think we can know that.
I can imagine him meeting with the elders prior to turning himself in.
I can also imagine the elders rushing down to the county lockup to DF him on the spot, on orders from Bethel Svc dept.