Why has the WBTS invested in hedge funds and stocks? Both are a long term investment not short by any means ask any financial advisor. And if they say it was short term all financial advisors say that is gambling with your money. Either way the lied to us. Again not as WE do but what we say. Poor dumb saps the JW's are.
Watchtower desperation and Mind Control...
by DATA-DOG 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
Watchtower scribblings make a person want to be an atheist, what with their do nothing, good for nothing lying Jehovah god.
Meanwhile, those writing this, or at least having this written, will never have to worry about having a home to live in, food to eat, and clothes to wear. Additionally, they will continue to travel extensively and enjoy vacations all over the world.
Good comments, this article/study issues totally sucks in many ways.
THANK YOU for putting that together! It really helps seeing it all laid out like that. The problem with trying to reason with a JW is that EVERYTHING they read is confusing. They cannot explain what they believe without WT literature. There is no reasoning with them, unless the eyes are opened somehow. I know if I try to raise a point with my wife the defenses go up. The conversation goes downhill because I get confused trying to explain what circular reasoning is just to disprove it!! It's maddening at times.
Thanks for the pictures. It is really sad when you think about it. That couple is on the " Paradise Bus " that Siam wrote about. They will be getting off soon when drivers are switched and the trash is dumped. What that article is saying with those pics, without saying it, is , " You never thought you would get old, but you did. Keep following the GB till the end of your life. We don't know when the end will be, but you probably won't see it. By the way, thanks for all your financial contributions, and for willing us your property.".
Hello everyone,
To continue one the same line of thought, I waold like to add the following.
Just 13 years have gone since , once more, the Society blamed “ a few dedicated Christians “ i.e. brothers and sisters for slowing down spiritually and adopting for their “ship of faith” a “cruising speed”.
As if it was not enough the Society gave two reasons for such attitude.
The first was because the brothers and sisters were:
***Drawn by the hope of “Paradise soon”
The second reason was given as :
***thinking that the realization of their hopes is farther off than they anticipated
That again was not enough and the Society exposed herself by giving the result of such an attitude:
“This is evident in reduced preaching activity, irregularity at meetings, and willingness to miss parts of assembly or convention programs. Others are devoting more time to recreation and to obtaining material comforts.”
Here below the entire quote:
*** w997/15p.18par.9AnchoredbyHope,ImpelledbyLove***
9 A few dedicated Christians in some parts of the world appear to have reefed the sails of their ship of faith. The ship is still afloat, but instead of forging ahead in full faith, they have adopted a cruising speed.Drawn by the hope of “Paradise soon,” some were prepared to spare no efforts to attain it—zealous in the preaching work and regular in attendance at all meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Now thinking that the realization of their hopes is farther off than they anticipated, they have lowered the price they are willing to pay. This is evident in reduced preaching activity, irregularity at meetings, and willingness to miss parts of assembly or convention programs. Others are devoting more time to recreation and to obtaining material comforts. These facts lead us to consider what should be the driving force in our lives in line with our dedication to Jehovah. Should our zeal in his service be dependent on the hope of “Paradise soon”?
Most of us here know that, rather than blaming brothers and sisters worldwide,the Society herself was behind it al – for the last 138 years - by promoting, advertising, promising, preaching, publishing - as God’s channel on earth -
***w10 9/15 p.13 par. 8 Unity Identifies True Worship***
8 ….The Governing Body publishes spiritually encouraging literature in many languages. This spiritual food is based on God’s Word.Thus, what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah.—Isa. 54:13.
the message :
“deliverance by God's Kingdom is at hand!”
Now here we start …refreshing memeories:
2008 …four years ago
*** w08 5/15 p. 15-16 §20 The Last Days Soon to End !
May you experience great joy in your ministry as you declare this good news and help those " rightly disposed for everlasting life " to realize that deliverance by God's Kingdom is at hand! - Acts 13:48
2006… six years ago
g 6/06 p. 32 Millions Will Be Going—Will You? ***
The morning program will continue with a talk that introduces a convention highlight, the full-costume drama based on chapter 13 of the Bible book of First Kings. The convention’s final session Sunday afternoon features the public talk “Deliverance by God’s Kingdom Is at Hand!”
1997…fifteen years ago
*** w97 4/1 p. 11 Take Courage as Deliverance Draws Near ***
Deliverance Near—For Whom?
12 The increasingly difficult conditions on earth are striking evidence that a vast change—indeed, a grand deliverance—is near at hand! For whom? Deliverance is nearing for those who pay attention to the warning signals and who take appropriate action.1982…thirty years ago
*** w82 10/1 p. 28 par. 14 Be as Men Who Are Facing Har–Magedon Unafraid ***
14 … .The “deliverance” that is now at hand for persons of such faith is not initially the heavenly glorification of the remnant of the spirit-begotten disciples of Christ and their being taken away from the earthly scene of tribulation, although that is in store for them finally.
1972 …forty years ago
*** w72 04/15 p. 233
Mankind desperately needs a Liberator from these ruinous demonic heavens. Jehovah God has raised up the needed Deliverer! Jehovah’s marked time for the desired deliverance is at hand!
1954 …fifty- eight years ago
*** w54 10/15 p. 624 Why Prayers Go Unanswered ***
They rejoice because they know deliverance to a new world is at hand, that this present evil world must end in that “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again,” namely, the war of Armageddon. This is Jehovah’s decree.
1941… seventy- one years ago
The Watchtower, October 1st, 1941. page 303
As his witnesses these faithful ones the great Jehovah God bids to go and tell the glad news to the sorrowing world, and to advise mankind that Jehovah is God, that Christ Jesus is the King of kings, and that the day of deliverance is at hand.
1930…eighty- two years ago
The Watchtower, September 15th 1930 page 281
God has now given his people an understanding of The Revelation which he gave to Jesus Christ to show unto his servants. The publication of the two books called Light, giving the explanation of The
Revelation, will greatly anger the Devil and all who have not the spirit of Christ. We may therefore expect the opposition to the kingdom to quickly become stronger than ever. It will be of short duration, however, because the day of deliverance is at hand.1921… ninety-one years ago
The Watchtower, January 1st , 1921 page 13
Behold, the evidence daily increases that the old world has ended! The kingdom of heaven is here! Let the saints look up and lift up their heads. Let them sing aloud for joy because the day of deliverance is at hand.
1910… one hundred and one years ago
ZION 'S WATCH TOWER and Herald of Christ's Presence SEMI-MONTHLY VOL. XXXI JUNE 1 No. 11
A.D. 1910--A.M. 6038...[R4627 : page 188] …
Through his lie our race has gone down into sickness, mental, moral and physical, and is going down rapidly to the tomb. Thank God for the great Deliverer; thank God also, for his great day of deliverance, the Millennial Age, now nigh at hand!
1892… one hundred and twenty years ago
Zion 's Watch Tower November 15th , 1892 page 326 , ( R1464)
It is therefore his will rather that we should suffer injustice than that we should spend our strength in fruitless efforts to interrupt the present order of things. And so the kingdom of heaven suffers violence now, but such will not always be the case; for the time of her deliverance is at hand.
1881… one hundred and thirty-one years ago
Zion 's Watch Tower December , 1881
page 3 (R302)
Let us, dearly beloved, see to it, that we not only bury ourselves and our wills in Christ's, but also keep our bodies under--dying daily until fully delivered into the blessed kingdom --which deliverance we believe to be so very nigh at hand.
1880… one hundred and thirty-two years ago
Zion's Watch Tower September , 1880
page 2 (page R134)
Let us, dearly beloved, live up to our covenant, and not only bury ourselves and our wills in Christ's, but also keep our bodies under--dying daily until fully delivered into the blessed kingdom--which deliverance we believe to be so very nigh at hand.
As the Society loves to claim: “facts speaks louder than words”.
JC. MacHislopp
Well, a person who lacks confidence that the end is near might start to make alternate arrangements, so to speak, in case things do not work out as Jehovah said they would. ..... He might then try to make a name for himself in this world, to seek financial security instead of putting God's Kindom first, or to trust in higher education to secure a comfortable life now. Really, though, would that not be evidence of a lack of faith?....
Well you all said it real well already.
Lack of Faith in Whom?????????????
Things ALWAYS work out the way if it is JEHOVAH who SAYS.
This is NOT Jehovah's f*** up. It's the GB "that he appointed over all things"............
Thanks again MAC, this is going in the TOP-SECRET files for my kid.
Thanks for your appreciative words. I'm very pleased that " the compilation" taken from my data base files ,
can be useful to you and maybe to others too.
J. C. MacHislopp
PS With your wife...patience is one of the quality needed.
I Know. It's really difficult ...
We had the CO's visit this week.. the thrust of the Tuesday talk was aimed at youngsters, they want them to move to where the 'need is greater'... like Nicaragua and other Central American countries, to involve themselves with building work in the third world or spending years at Bethel. They want them to 'make sacrifices for Jehovah'! He said how the GB have made sacrifices.. how they are selling up places in Brooklyn so that they can go to a cheaper area and use the finances to support third world countries... that they didn't want to misuse the money donated by the brothers (mentioned children giving their pocket money)... I felt sick as I thought of the $27 million court case to pay for a pedophile cover up....