Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave A "Clas...

by stevieb1 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • stevieb1

    I am shortly to have a discussion with a JW elder regarding the Society's interpretation of the "faithful and discreet slave" I have already got some points I would like to share, but here I am asking for your collective assistance in refuting logically and Scripturally the Watchtower argument regarding the "slave class".

    One comment that was raised was if we are told to get out of false religion (Babylon the Great) where are we to go to?

    Please post serious and well reasoned replies if possible. Thanks

    Your brother in Christ.

  • metatron

    you have stumbled on to the stupidest of all the stupid
    Watchtower interpretations of the Bible.

    How does one qualify as a faithful and discreet slave?

    Duh! by being faithful and discreet!

    Jesus was simply encouraging his followers to be faithful and
    discreet, so he could use them to lead congregations.

    If any elder thinks he isn't part of what Jesus talked about,
    then logically, he is unfaithful or foolish or both.

    it's that simple!


  • belbab

    Have you ever wondered why Jesus said this posed as a question?

    My thoughts are that is not self evident who is the discreet slave, who is the evil slave. Those who think they are, are usually not. Many of his parables indicate that. Take is saying, when you go into a banquet hall do not take the good seat, take the lowliest, maybe the host will make you change chairs.

    Do good to the least of these my brothers. God chose the weak things of the world.

    Just some quick thoughts, belbab

  • hooberus

    According to the official watchtower interpretation of the parable of the faithful and discreet slave "On his return in Kingdom power in the year 1914, did Christ find a faithful and discreet slave class providing spiritual food, or information? - yes . . . " You can live forever in paradise earth 1982,1989 p. 193. So the watchtower claims that Jesus found a slave CLASS dispensing food in 1914. This is a bold lie about their own history.

    1. Early on Russell taught that the slave was a class, but in 1896 he got "new light" that the slave was an individual. He continued teaching that the slave was an individual for the rest of his life. Russell died in 1916. Russell was a one man ruler and directed the society without regards to anyone else, so there was no CLASS dispensing food.

    2. After Russells death the watchtower continued to teach that the slave was an individual until 1927 when they returned to the "old light" of a slave class.

    3. Today's watchtower leaders have rewritten their own history and claim that there was a CLASS all along and ESPECIALLY in 1914. If you like I can post watchtower quotes proving everything above or you may already be in possession of them.

    I think the witnesses you present this information to could attack the source of your quotes or you personally, So try to be as kind and loving as possible. Be sure to kindly tell them that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, not a organizaion.

    Another tactic may be to claim that they got "new light" on the identity of the slave. There are two problems with this.

    1. The idea that the slave is an individual was the "new light" replacing the previous "old light" of a salve CLASS. The watchtower has flipped flopped and returned to the "old light" of a slave class.

    2. Even if it was acceptable for them to "flip flopp" on the identity of the slave, it does not give them the right to "re-write" and lie about there being a slave CLASS in 1914. This would be like the US presidency in which prior to 1992 we had a "Bush" presidency, then in 1992 we citizens got "new light" and had a "Clinton" presidency, then in the year 2000 we returned to the "old light" of a "Bush" presidency. However if we "rewrote" our history books and claimed that we had a "Bush" presidency all along and ESPECIALLY in the year 1995 was there a "Bush" presidency we would be LYING about our own history.

    This lying about their own history proves that the modern day leaders of the watchtower are not members of the 144,000 of the book of Revelation. "And in their mouth was found no lie . . ." Revelaton 14:5 ASV

  • hooberus

    Where then can the witnesses go to? Jesus. In John chapter 6:68 Jesus's disciples didn't say "where" can we go to but "whom" shall we go to. The passage is talking about staying with Jesus for eternal life, not an "organization"

  • JT

    To steve1:

    "I am shortly to have a discussion with a JW elder"

    Keep this in mind- You have asked us to provide you with INDEPTH information so as to have a DEEEEP DISCUSSION of major dogma in concerning the wt.

    Yet bear in mind you plan on spending a hour or more of your VALUABLE TIME talking to MO, Larry and Curly aka the guy at SAM'S CLUB who passes out the breaded chicken on crackers.

    EVEN THE WT spokesmen admit that you are wasting your time:

    Paducah Sun 1-28-01
    Mario Moreno, associate general counsel at the church's New York headquarters,.
    J.R. Brown, public affairs director for the church,

    "Both Brown and Moreno said that the elders, who volunteer and are essentially untrained "


    my point is simple you are wasting your time if you plan on sitting down with a person who bears the title ELDER I know cause I used to be one

    my suggestion is instead of allowing 2 or 3 untrained clowns to humilate you and infer that you are WICKED why not take a loved one out or hell treat yourself to a wonder Steak dinner , baked patotoe, fresh toss salad and a nice glass of White wine.

    But your time is yours to use as you want



    I just cant understand for the life of me-- why anyone would want to spend their time after finding out this aint the truth talking to some guys who have been "Knighted" by the WT

    Could any of us see ourselves going to a person to do our Corp or personal taxes just because they got a CPA degree from THE PUBLISHERS OF MAD MAGAZINE


    Steve--I don't mean to DOG YOU but do you really want to waste your time?

  • LDH

    JT I just choked on my cashews, LOL.

    Yet bear in mind you plan on spending a hour or more of your VALUABLE TIME talking to MO, Larry and Curly aka the guy at SAM'S CLUB who passes out the breaded chicken on crackers.
  • JT

    "I am shortly to have a discussion with a JW elder"

    Keep this in mind- You have asked us to provide you with INDEPTH information so as to have a DEEEEP DISCUSSION of major dogma in concerning the wt.

    Yet bear in mind you plan on spending a hour or more of your VALUABLE TIME talking to MO, Larry and Curly aka the guy at SAM'S CLUB who passes out the breaded chicken on crackers.

    EVEN THE WT spokesmen admit that you are wasting your time:

    Paducah Sun 1-28-01
    Mario Moreno, associate general counsel at the church's New York headquarters,.
    J.R. Brown, public affairs director for the church,

    "Both Brown and Moreno said that the elders, who volunteer and are essentially untrained "


    my point is simple you are wasting your time if you plan on sitting down with a person who bears the title ELDER I know cause I used to be one

    my suggestion is instead of allowing 2 or 3 untrained clowns to humilate you and infer that you are WICKED why not take a loved one out or hell treat yourself to a wonder Steak dinner , baked patotoe, fresh toss salad and a nice glass of White wine.

    But your time is yours to use as you want



    I just cant understand for the life of me-- why anyone would want to spend their time after finding out this aint the truth talking to some guys who have been "Knighted" by the WT

    Could any of us see ourselves going to a person to do our Corp or personal taxes just because they got a CPA degree from THE PUBLISHERS OF MAD MAGAZINE


  • amccullough
    Steak dinner , baked patotoe, fresh toss salad and a nice glass of White wine.

    I think a red would go better...

  • Englishman

    Stevie 1,

    Take a peek in your dictionary, please.

    Note that "discreet" and "discrete" have totally different meanings. Most dubs don't know which is the appropriate meaning, so there could well be a whole load of dubs who have 2 totally different concepts of the FDS.


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