" Fry Day "

by Tallyman 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    Only YOU Fried-Day, (that's "Yad-deirf" in your bass-ackwards prose)
    would try to mess up someone's birthday with a Rotten post.

    I speak of yesterday - Gwen's (Somebody) birthday.

    You're about as much fun as a rained-on potato chip!

    Party Poop!

    Folks streaming well-wishes to Gwen, and you put up a picture
    of a tombstone, HER tombstone, with the "end" left blank...

    Why didn't you set a date? Predict Gwen's End?
    Like your Kult?

    1961 - ____ and fill in that blank?

    According to your Kult, Somebody has Warranted a Watchtower Death Sentence.

    She, like a lot of folks, who have freedom, likes to light up a smoke
    with her morning coffee to enjoy, and that's all it takes for you Kult
    to sentence her to death. She has committed a Theocratic Capital Crime.

    Instead of her Birth Day, don't tell me- you're looking forward to her
    "Fry Day", like this, as an pictorial example:


    She deserves to FRY, like all the others your Watchtowerkult has
    judged as unworthy to live in the "Garden of jehovah".

    Will you call WatchtowerArmageddon(tm) "Fry Day"
    and celebrate it, with a picnic,
    or kingdom gathering, annually?

    Or do you have another spiffy name to memorialize
    that great and awful day of jehovah-Of-The-Watchtower?

    Here, on Fry Day:

    * http://www.intrex.net/tallyman/Weep_03.html

    Which of those buildings do you think Gwen will be in, smoking?
    ...I mean REALLY SMOKING and FRYING?

    Hey, Fried-Day, has anyone, for the record, ever, on this board
    called you a Sick Fuck?
    Welll, if not, I wanted to be the First... just for the record.

    All those years of your so-called 'fence-sitting'
    concerning the Watchtowerkult, I think,
    must have cut off blood circulation to your cheeks,
    resulting in irreversible brain damage.

    LOve, Tallyman

  • mindfield

    Sorry, tallyman, I missed that ugly demonstration of Yadirf's vile mind. Could you give me the URL to the thread?

    Second, I must say that this doesn't really surprise me. When he's not trolling/making stuff up/etc., he's insulting people and mocking their existence as human beings.

    I don't know if this guy has the male version of PMS, but whatever he's got, it's bad. Real bad.

  • VioletAnai

    Go Tally, Go Tally!!! (Pom Poms and perky breasts).

    Real JW's don't judge....I guess there's not too many of those round huh?

    Yardiff/Y-A-D-I-R-F/Whateva - get over yerself!!!!!!!! If Gwen is anything like me she woulda bin miserable on her birthday, and your thoughtlessness made it worse. What eva happened to the compassionate jw, the jw who manifests the fruitage of the spirit?

    GET A LIFE YARDY!!!!!!!

  • Tallyman
    Sorry, tallyman, I missed that ugly demonstration of Yadirf's vile mind. Could you give me the URL to the thread?

    Yesterday, zev breaks out the Well Wishes for the BirthDay Girl,
    and Fried-Day tries to bust up the party mood,
    with his Vile and Bile:

    * http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=23934&site=3

    scroll to bottom.

    Is this a Sick Freak, or what?!?

    ...whatever he's got, it's bad. Real bad.

    Yeah, Really REELY Bad!


  • mindfield
    Is this a Sick Freak, or what?!?

    Tallyman, you've just won the Understatement of the Year Award!

  • Yadirf
    Hey, Fried-Day, has anyone, for the record, ever, on this board
    called you a Sick Fuck?
    Welll, if not, I wanted to be the First... just for the record.

    Has anyone ever thought of nicknaming you "Jerry Lee" before?

  • mindfield

    Maybe you should check why, exactly, he's so angry. That should help.

  • Yadirf
    Folks streaming well-wishes to Gwen, and you put up a picture
    of a tombstone, HER tombstone, with the "end" left blank...

    How in the hell am I supposed to know the date of her death? If you don't like the way I did it, fill in the blanks yourself!


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Happy Birthday Gwen btw...sorry I missed it. You're norty FridayBackToFrontArseAboutFacePerson!!

    [email protected] poms and what?? What a laugh you are.

    And don't swear FridayBackToFrontArseAboutFacePerson...its not necessary.

    And who cares why he's so angry...he should get some manners!

  • Tallyman
    Has anyone ever thought of nicknaming you "Jerry Lee" before?

    But I come up with a "Jerry Lee" tune, for the record,
    and dedicate it to you, Fried-Day... for your upcoming Fry Day

    Lessee... the working title of it, that I've got going in my head is:

    "Whole Lotta Baking Goin' On!"

    Whaddaya think Fried-Day?
    Fitting for Fry Day?

    Y'all jehovers could sing it at your celebratory Fry Day Parties.

    "Whole Lotta Baking Goin' On!"


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