Memorial Scrabbling

by Demitrius 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Demitrius

    Well they are scabbling around to find as many people to attend the Memorial again this year.

    I walked out 3.5 years ago and have not heard anything since from the Elders. I have one that lives about 50 metres away and he is one that has not even telephoned me in all that time. . . and yet . . .

    Just the other night he turns up on my door step and hands me the usual invite! Is he for real or what?! I was coldly polite, thanked him for the invite but did not invite him in. The invite went promptly in the bin.

    I just had a thought though, I was concerned enough about his feelings to accept the invite and not slam the door in his face. This was more consideration than I have ever received from him! Just goes to show where christian principles really lie I think.

  • drawcad_1

    just the same as usual. You never see these people until that one celebration a year that they get to celebrate, and they want to invite everyone.

  • TR

    Hi Drawcad,

    Yes, it's the only "real" celebration. Frankly, I was a bit embarrassed by the JW memorial when I was JW, watching new people attend.

    It's such a freakish display of WTS weird doctrine.


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    The CO of my congo gave a fiery talk last night about how we need to invite EVERYONE to the Memorial.
    Workmates. Classmates. People we see in the supermarket. On the bus. On the train. EVERYONE! The worst they can say is 'No'. What can 'no' do to us, he asked. Besides, if they say 'no', they're not rejecting us.
    He also mentioned how the elders have already taken steps to invite all inactive persons.

    Spoons?!? Can I assume that the potatoes will be mashed tonight?

  • lv4fer

    What is their reasoning to invite everyone? I never have understood this. Is it for the sole purpose of making their statistics look good? The thing that always cracked me up is the way they play with their numbers. They give a count of 6 million or so active publishers, but when they give the count at the memorial they count every man, woman, and child. Then they say look at all these potential people. What a joke. Most of the numbers come from inactive that feel guilty and go to the memorial or kids that aren't old enough to be publishers but at the memorial get counted. Why do they want to kid themself? Are most witnesses that stupid that they don't see this?

  • NameWithheld

    I bet a lot of inactive ones go just to keep family off their backs. To a JW - if you attend the annual "eat Jesus night" then there is some hope for you 'returning to the truth' yet. So I bet a lot go just to satisfy family. Others may go that are still mentally trapped thinking it's the 'truth' but they are 'too bad of a person' to live by it - so they go to the memorial to hedge their bets.

  • KJV

    What I never could understand is why people who were inactive and never went to meetings bothered to go to the Memorial. According to the Society unless a publisher is "whole souled" to Jehovah (making all the meetings, service, etc...) they will die. I quit going when I found out that on the same night as the Memorial, Satan groups meet just like the witnesses and pass the bread and the wine, not eating or drinking any of the "emblems", because they are saying "NO" to Christ body! Some spooky stuff!!

  • TR


    sounds like there is a definite connection between the WTS and the Satanists.


  • NotBlind
    we need to invite EVERYONE to the Memorial.
    Workmates. Classmates. People we see in the supermarket. On the bus. On the train. EVERYONE!

    Hmmm, sounds like they're getting desperate, because as little as 10 or 15 years ago, they specifically said that JW's should take some time to explain the Memorial & emblems to the poor dupe so they would know not to partake. I guess that's out the window, since they're supposed to invite every Tom, Dick, and Harry they find.

    New light on the Memorial maybe??

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    KJV, Spooky indeed, I have just made 2 similar comments and Ozzie said something similar, could it be TRUE?

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