After JWs--NOW WHAT???

by Smoldering Wick 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hooberus

    Re: After JWs--NOW WHAT??? Mar 22, 2002 21:47


    Have you ever thought about a personal relationship with Jesus? You can pray to Jesus --hooberus

    "hoob...I appreciate your comments. Yes, I have thought about Jesus. But, praying to him would require that I believed He is God. I investigated to the point where I could 'prove' Jesus was God AND Jesus wasn't God from the same Bible!"

    I don't mean to be too "doctrinal" on who Jesus Christ is, but I think that some of your frustration about what the Bible teaches on Christ has to do with the watchtower's denial of the continuing manhood of Christ. The Bible says that it was a "man" (Acts 17:31) that God raised from the dead. A "man" (psalm 80:17, Hebrews 10:12) who is seated at God's right hand. The mediator is a "man" (1 Timothy 2:5). The scriptures that seem to indicate that Jesus is less than, or not God have to do with his manhood. Traditional Christianity holds that Jesus is BOTH God and "man" together. This is why Jesus as a "man" prayed to the Father (Luke 23:46) and why we as "men" pray to Jesus (because He also is God) Like stephen prayed (Acts 7:59). It really helps to read and compare Luke 23:46 with Acts 7:59.

  • hooberus

    a warning: some of the groups you are looking at "Unity, Science of Mind, etc." claim to be Christian, However in their writings they deny that Jesus is the Christ (1 John 2:22; 1 John 4:2,3; 2 John 7-10). any group or religion that has the spirit of antichrist scares me.

  • SixofNine

    hooberus, Woody Allen says boo!

    SmolderingWick, you asked

    After JWs--NOW WHAT???
    I'm a bible-thumping agnostic, thank you. And I'm going to Disneyland.

    I do hope you'll be cautious of the power of suggestion. It is, after all, a big part of what hooks people into any religion. I wonder how you would discern between a *spirit* cause for the feelings you felt when you met the "ghostly" man in the "magick circle", and the feeling of a *spirit* manufactured entirely in your mind? How could one know the difference? Especially so when one has been taught from infancy, just like the mighty Tim, that these people, these places, have an otherworldly connection.

    It makes me think about the *spirit filled* feeling of people who wish so badly for the Christian story to be true; that if they want it bad enough, and especially if they loose some of their confirmation (ie; see how tenuous the evidence is, or lose their religion), they simply have a spirit encounter. If you want it, even just subconciously, it seems to me likely that you will get it.

    Aside from that, I have at times had a feeling of overwhelming "connectedness" to this planet and my fellows since my leaving the religion. It's a nice feeling.

    Aside from that aside, I noticed that the metaphysical description seemed to start right off with propaganda, ie: "Metaphysics is the science...". It then goes ahead to explain that it is actually no such thing. I get a weird spooky chill from stuff like that; it seems a bit familier.

    Maybe it's just me, but I see no need for humans to gather 'round trying to hammer out answers to questions which have eluded 100% of mankind for 100% of mankinds history. There are important things to consider and solve for this big us, and God is not one of them. If He disagrees, I'm sure She'll correct me.

  • wonderwoman77

    For many years I was content with not having anything to do with religion or spirituality, but in the last year I felt a real need to connect. Last august I decide I would try some meditation and I had the more eye openning spiritual experience of my life. It was amazing. I felt so close to inner peace and when I reached that point, I felt close to a higher power. Since that time I was searching for a community where I could grow and have my religious beliefs without having to believe a certian thing. I found what worked for me at an Unitarian Universalist church in my area. Some of the people that go there consider themself christian, some agnositic, some athesit, some buddhist,etc. I tend to have my own belief system. I find comfort in meditation, especially mindful meditation. I also really enjoy the Tao Te Ching. I enjoy eastern thought. I still believe Jesus was a wonderful man and I believe that he had found a higher spiritual awakening and that is why he could live the life he did. I do not believe he was god and I am not sure I so much believe of the miracles in the bible either.

    Smoldering Wick--that store seemed interesting. I like the taboo things. I have friend that is Wiccan and have talked to her. I do not feel compelled to enter into that spirituality but it works very well for her.

    I feel like I am coming closer to being at one with my inner spirit which I think is the goal of spirituality. I wish you all luck on what ever spiritual path you are on....

  • simplesally

    Six, this is She. I shall correct you in private.

  • Adonai438

    Hi Smolder
    I am now a christian who left the WT because of personal prayer and Bible study. Hooberus & I seem to agree on the central issue Just remember that God is not the same thing as religion.

    Also, technically, to pray to Jesus doesn't neccessarily mean you believe he is God. He is prayed to in the Bible and we are commanded to pray to him as well. So praying to him is scriptural-- the fact that praying to him is in the Bible and the details of prayer does lend itself as additional proof that Jesus is God though. Just remember to study the Bible for yourself and leave behind the WTs, or anyone elses, presumptions as to what it says.
    The truth speaks for itself.

    My personal take on those supernatural types of things?
    I am not afraid of the devil or the supernatural or the magic arts-- for I am in Christ. I understand the intrigue of it. I do know to seek information from anyone but God (like phsychics or mediums) is wrong and since I have God leading me why do I need someone elses input? I don't I do know that to seek power from anyone but God is also wrong and I personally wouldn't want any power from anywhere else. God knows all and his plan is best so using spells or rituals to manipulate things is also wrong and not the best way. All in all I know God personally, in a relationship. I don't need anything else to influence mine or others lives because God has more power and love in him than any of those other sources I could seek out.

    If God is real, like I know intellectually and through experience and you also seem to lean in that direction, then knowing the truth about him is of utmost importance. Study of the Bible and all the evidence out there will lead to true christianity (not WT or other falshoods).
    I understand the intrest but believe it is an incorrect path to choose based on the evidence. If you ever want to chat or vent or discuss just e-mail me. I respect all opinions and thoughts because the people behind them are important . It's not about who's right or wrong or proving who's 'best', it is just about truth.

    I'm praying for you and stay true to yourself and to God. God's not afraid of investigation, so seek him and study/research all you want!

    OKie, I'll shut up for now but have a great day
    <><, Angie

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