by brandnew 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • brandnew

    Ok, so....does everyone who has ever been born, and lived on this planet called earth....get ressurected?

    Doesnt that sound like pissin in the wind?

    Destroy everyone......just to bring em back......to destroy them again......

    Seems like a neverending cycle.

  • DesirousOfChange

    It doesn't have to make sense.

    WT said it, so it has to be true.



  • Crazyguy
    Yep it's crazy, but just to be clear if your not a good JW at the time of the big A your going to die and not be resurrected because when a JW was at your door one time several years ago and you were to busy to talk because you were on your way out, little did you know that in that brief moment that was your chance at eternal life and it doesn't matter that you didn't know it. It doesn't matter that the magazines the lady was trying to give you had nothing to do with eternal life or your death by not talking to her, it doesn't matter your just going to die, because God is so loving to give you just that one brief obscure moment in time. So be happy knowing God loved you so much he sent someone to your door, so die happy.
  • dubstepped

    Ha, I've thought about this. When someone dies, from Leonard Nimoy to their cousin twice removed named Bert, they always look forward to seeing them in paradise. I even saw a post on a JW forum the other day where a person quoted the scripture that Jehovah will satisfy the desire of every living thing and they wanted to see cousin Bert, so therefore they were sure of them being resurrected. I remember making fun of worldly people and how they thought everyone went to heaven at any funeral. JWs think everyone will be resurrected, so what's the difference?

    I do still believe in such hopes, but I no longer stand by any side of things. I'll let Jehovah sort it out. Not my circus to manage.

  • brandnew
    The wt seems to be having a hard time keeping up with their lies, and made up doctrine.
  • Oubliette


    You have this one life. This is it. Don't waste it on foolish things like joining a cult.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    The Watchtower is unique in its interpretation of the resurrection and, of course, at odds with the Bible's statements.

    The Bible clearly states that there will be a resurrection of the righteous and the wicked; the first group to eternal life in Heaven/Paradise and the second to a literal hell of torments. This scripture makes it clears:

    "I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets, 15 and I have the same hope in God as these men themselves have, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked." Acts 24:14b-15 New International Version

    They claim that the "unrighteous" (As translated in the New World Translation instead of wicked) simply refers to most of those who died without knowing the 'truth' with the most evil among them being excluded. This selectivity simply has no scriptural support.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Crazyguy: And now with WT stands they do not have to talk at your door.

    Now just walking pass their stand and not heeding their warning even though

    they may be sitting there gossiping , the word (WT) was there you will be permanent

    dust because they advertised. Yes he loves you.


    This is a real Watchtarded belief. If you get on Google, you find that there is enough land to give each person currently living about an acre. Now, that's not arable land. We must assume that Jerkhoober will miraculously make all things new, like transforming Antarctica into a paradise. See Ya later penguins who evolved to live there!!!

    The problem is ( OMG, so many problems..) that this does not take into account all of humanity who has lived and died through man's existence. It ONLY accounts for everyone now living.

    I suppose Jeehoobster could make the oceans recede and make more land, provide he left enough ocean to serve as a toilet/dump for the untold billions who would be alive for the 1,000 years. Then he can kill off the wicked and start over, or whatever.....


  • stuckinarut2
    Yep...don't try and make sense out of nonsense.....

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