Where is the money ?

by happy man 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hello Happyman

    Just a question I asked myself some years ago. If the end is near...why is the 'society' expanding?? If money isn't an issue, why are there new arrangements in place to avoid heafty tax penalties??

    What happens to all the funds we have contributed over the years into all the different funds when we leave?? With all the money I have taken from my own pocket to go towards the new kinddom hall we had built..you would think I would have been a shareholder!! No..I don't think it works like that!


    UADSP-Australian Division

  • AGuest

    Dearest Happy Man... may you have peace!

    I am directed by the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies (Psalms 68:4), by means of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA (JAH Saves) MISCHAJAH (Messiah; Anointed of JAH), to say to you:

    Go to the center section of the Proclaimer's Book and COUNT the number of pages displaying the real estate holdings of the WTBTS... at that time (1993). Add up, if you will, the combined VALUE of such real estate, including land, buildings, improvements and furnishings.

    Then think of the holdings that have been added SINCE that time (almost 10 years). Add this to your calculation.

    Then think of all the kindgom halls worldwide, the land, buildings, improvements and furnishings... and add that to your calculations.

    Now, if you will, add up how many 'congregations' of Jehovah's Witnesses in third world countries are without even kingdom halls. Add up how many widows and widowers are without a means for living. How many elderly JWs are forced to rely on a system... and 'wordly' family... they have been told FOR DECADES... to deny and reject. Add up how many 'fatherless children' there are in the organization, whose single parent is KILLING him or her self just to make field service and meetings.

    Now, then, the word of my Lord to YOU... is that you will find a GREAT deficit. For the value of such holdings, combined, could ensure that NO Witness need ever go hungry, without clothing, without shelter or without proper healthcare. And yet...

    That, dear one, is my Lord's EVIDENCE... to you.

    I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you, just as I have heard it.

  • Yadirf


    The fact is though that if any person on the Governing Body had put there time into making money in this world instead of living their lives devoted to spiritual concerns they would be amongst the most wealthy people there are.
    How wrong you are!!! The majority of the higher ups at Brooklyn have NO JOB SKILLS whatsoever.
    You missed the whole point altogether. Had they spent their lives on the outside, pursuing worldly things, they would've possessed any skill they wanted.

    I can't say that you're too swift, LSD. Or is it LDS? I keep forgetting! Oh, that's right, it's LDH. Got it now! Hiccup!

    BTY, have you ever looked up the definition of the word “hiccup” before?

    A spasm of the diaphragm resulting in a rapid, involuntary inhalation that is stopped by the sudden closure of the glottis and accompanied by a sharp, distinctive sound.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.


  • happy man
    happy man

    Thanks for youe answers, but some missunderstand mee.
    I now that we have sveral buildings, BUT this is money who are not on the tabel, and never will I think.
    I dont talk abaout this, i meen where is all tha cash, as JT for exampel talks abauot, he didnt answer why?
    And all the stocks if ther are any.
    I can say i now the system after 25 yers as an elder, and inn the cong we have must show our money, but not the wordwide organisation, and this is littel disdurbing for mee, i think gov body make a misstake here, it is never good tow hide something, it will always come peopel who qestion you if you doing that, thats my point of wiue.
    Now evedens was presented of anyone here , and i think nawan can, beaucause nobody nows, is that right?
    one qestion whow much money does te cong send foor the litterATUR, WE ARE AROND 50 I MY CONG AND SEND AROND 600$ EVRY MONTH, AND THEN YOU HAVE THIS GIFTS TO THE WORWIDE WORK, AND TO KINGDOMHALLS.
    If we count who many congs ther is, it must bee tremendus much money,
    this is also a reson why i want an open book on the money inn broklyn.

  • jerome

    happy man

    How much exactly do you know about the history of your church?

    Please click on this link.


    It is operated by an apostate but then again so is this one.

    So I dont think that you should have any fear about going to this site as you are already participating on an active messageboard devoted to informing the public about the error of your Churches ways.

    If you ever think about criticizing any other church for beleiving that Jesus is God then i think that you should have a look into your organisations past regarding the trinity.

    ( Do not make the assumption that I mean that your Church taught the trinity in its early beginnings and you dont need to look into it because it was old light.)

    There is a certain scripture in the Bible that refers to the Deity of christ which the WTBS has not altered.

    And their views on the intrepretation of that scripture has changed many times in the past.

    Find out what it is.


    People have concluded that your organisation is not the truth through alot of sole searching and examination of the facts.

    This website contains most of the facts that you will nead to bake an accurate judgement on the WTBS regarding

    Changing History
    False Medical teachings
    Erroneous intrepretations of the bible

    and a host of others.

    When people on this board tell you that you have been lied to all along by the WBTS they have proof supporting that claim.

    Even if you talk to Friday he will tell you that he does not believe every thing that they teach. Even thought he still believes that they are the truth.

    Do not let pride cloud your judgment, take the time to lookint matters fully.

    then come to your own conclusion. God did not give you a brain to let it be controlled by people whom are no better than yourself.

    Listen to both sides of the story so that you can see and understand why so many people do not believe that it is the truth.

    Use your time wisely.


    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • hillary_step

    Hello Yadirf,

    Apologies for the delayed reply to your post.

    Regarding “power”, which equates with authority, every person that holds a responsible position has to be granted authority. Disagree?
    Yes, I agree with this premise.

    I would suggest that that way that power is exercised shows very much about the motivation of the person, or persons wielding it.

    I know enough from my personal experiences with the GB to know that most of them believe *totally* in what they preach. They are not motivated by the desire for wealth, and most of them not for 'fame'. TJ for example repudiates the flattery that persons visiting Brooklyn try to heap upon him, refusing to be photographed as a 'mascot', many other of the GB of course enjoy the accolades, especially their wives.

    We need to ask though, who developed a theological system that allows its adherents to view these people as anything but Christian servants, and what motivates them to preserve this system. Shepherds do not wear a politicians suit with ease. The shepherd long ago died in these men as they became the political animals they need to be to maintain the WTS intact.

    The greed and arrogance of power is firmly entrenched in the doctrine that allows a group of men the authority to instruct its adherents to behave in the manner they demand, even instructing them that *thinking* outside the boundaries set by them is a 'sin', and then punishing those whom they feel have contravened their authority.

    The GB feel that this authority has been given them by Christ and it is due to this notion that they move to impose life-threatening and emotionally destructive doctrines and policies, and then change them willy-nilly, without a qualm of conscience or a apology for those whose lives have been damaged by their actions.

    They feel that soon, after Armageddon they will have total control of the Earth and every living creature upon it. They feel that they are subject to the Laws of the land only to a degree and perpetually refuse to co-operate with the legal authorities if they feel that there boundaries are being attacked.

    For example, they have allowed, owing to this theology, child abusers in their midst. They will shortly be bought to book over the issue, it will cost them financially in the $10,s millions. They will view this as persecution from Satan's system and *not* a failed policy decision and no doubt this is the PR tack that will be taken. It will then once again be the many decent hard-working JW's will bale them out financially. They will *not* admit to a mistake, but likely blame elders, congregations, anything but themselves.

    Ask your self. If you worked under a supervisor, who continually made mistakes but insisted in setting *all* the work procedures, blamed others for *all* the mistakes that he had made, some which were very dangerous and cost the lives of other workers, yet clinged to his position - what would you say motivated him?

    I agree with you Yadirf, that this is *not* about money, it is about something far more sinister. The greed and abuse of power.

    Kind regards - HS

  • Hmmm

    Great points, as usual, Hillary.

    I would just add that money isn't really the end objective for even wealthy men. Beyond a certain number, it's just keeping score. What these men desire is POWER, and money is a way to achieve that.

    The GB, along with other religious leaders, have learned that you can get the power without going through the middle-man of money.

    If I had enough money, I could probably find someone who would cut off a hand--if I payed them enough. If I were a GB member, I could get people to give up their very lives on my whim, and will their estates to me when they die. That's POWER.


  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Here are the perks for being a governing body member or director at the WTBTS:

    1. A nice apartment overlooking the East River in very expensive Brooklyn Heights. All redecorating and remodeling expenses taken care of by the WTS.

    2. Three square meals each day. I remember that Fred Franz and others had their meals specially prepared and delivered to their rooms in the evening.

    3. First class travel and accomodations during very frequent trips to conventions and foreign visits.

    4. Absolute adoration by the fleeced flock. As mentioned by others, people hang on every word they say, give them untold gifts and money. These guys know every wealthy and well off Witness in every country in the world. All they need do is make a desire known and they are taken care of.

    5. For this they perpetuate the mythology that the organization is a direct conduit from God to the rest of pitiful mankind. They obfuscate information and produce countless hoops for the rest of the Witnesses to jump through.

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

  • AGuest

    Dear Happy Man... again, may you have peace!

    Dear one, MOST of the weathly don't DEAL in cash. Their assets are rarely 'liquid'. Their wealth is based on their NET VALUE: that is, their assets, minus their liabilities.

    Look at the real estate holdings again, and then look at the liabilities, and do the math: since the GB, special pioneers, missionaries, etc., live on very little, since the publishing companies and farms are fairly self-supportive, and since ALL CONTRIBUTIONS AND DONATIONS ARE TAX-FREE... the liabilities... are minimal.

    Please... do the math.

    A slave of Christ,


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