What would JWs think of any OTHER religious group that kept changing important doctrines and used the euphemism, "new light"?
So why should the WTS get a pass?
by DarkFireWolf 36 Replies latest watchtower bible
What would JWs think of any OTHER religious group that kept changing important doctrines and used the euphemism, "new light"?
So why should the WTS get a pass?
You don't need to disprove anything. The burden of proof is on them. On most of their claims, they are found wanting whenever they try to prove them. Let them be the ones on the defensive.
Thanks everyone, It's helped me alot.I don't know if my parents will see how much New Light breaks logic and is just confusing overall but I just want them to question things.I've been taught in school that every answer must have sound evidence to support it.And New Light lacks this necessary evidence.
All light has one goal from Jehovah's point of view. Jesus came to over come Satan, sin and death. The light and life of Christ and his written word is Jehohah's gift to lead godly life.....NEW light and Truth is eternal. It never changes, it may be enhanced, but never changes and it's goal is to enable us To lead a Godly life, otherwise its useless and man made church rules and doctrines of men.
1 John 5:9-13,
1 thessalonians 5:21
So, play out this event:
(don't forget - I get more leeway because of my "one-of-those-stupid-other-type-of-Christians" status)
Me: "So, now that the F&DS is the Governing Body, what will the organization do with the current literature that states otherwise?"
JW: "HUH? That's not true. The F&DS are the annointed."
Me: "Oh, you must not have gotten the announcement yet." looking away in a total "why am I even bothering talking to you" mode. But coming back to ask, "So, what will the reaction be? I mean, surely they won't nicely smile and nod in agreement! Surely some will feel a little uncomfortable with this. Will it then mean that ALL the WT teachings were wrong since the message was through the wrong group?"
JW: "The F&DS are the annointed. Always has been."
I'm really hoping that the JW I spoke with is checking the literature.
What kind of conversation will this JW have with themselves when the new light is provided? Will I become a prophet when they watch the congregation nod in agreement?
It's not up to you to disprove. The burden of proof is on the person asserting thier idea. Make them prove it.
Ding- I think you hit the nail with the hammer. They think that the mormons are batshit crazy, have the witnesses taken a look in the mirror lately? No! If some other church pulled the same shananigans that the WTBS has pulled, we both know they would be pointing fingers and judging. Try to tell someone a "hypothetical" story of this church that changes the rules, and if you dont agree, they kick you out. Explain how this religion has numerous failed prohpecys yet condemn modern prophets. Tell them this religion has a body of men that can talk to God, and God wants everyone to read their bible, but god said we can only read the bible if we have the proper literature that this group of men approves of. This literature is viewed as "holy" as the bible itself. These men also level themselves with Jesus if not higher. Would you join this church or would you see it all at face value- pure B.S?
Do you parents feel the Congregation is full of love, love being practiced circuit wide? I have found this very topic to be the "Achilles Heel" of Witnesses, the majority of dubs are not willing to show love that Jesus Christ said his people would.
Sounds like the Matrix just lost another coppertop...
Welcome to the forum! Keep asking those questions!
Isn't faith, by definition, based on evidence -something that is concrete and everlasting? If truth is everchanging... how can you put faith in it? Show me where Jehovah and/or Jesus had to keep updating their teachs/truths. How many times did the Mosaic Law have to be refreshed with 'new light'... I don't recall Moses ever saying, "Friends, we have received new light on the 7th commandment." Nope... never did. If they constantly were updating truths, then how could they expect anyone ever to put faith in them?
Malachi 3:6, "For I am Jehovah; I have not changed."
I asked some elders "Was Proverbs 4:8 a prophecy from Jehovah to show that the Governing body would be guilty of giving us
incorrect information through out the years.?"
He went on to say that what we know now is "Present Truth" so I stopped him and asked what he would call the previous understanding?
He did not say anything so I jumped in and said if it's not "Present" it must be "Previous" and he agreed, then I said if it's not "Truth" it must be a _______" Where I left a pause waiting for his answer.
Could not get him to say the word "lie" but I know he knew where I was going. Nice to see them flustered a bit.