To explain the figures a little bit more.
Some have made the observation that the 'Left' figure could include faders. That's correct. I don't have specific figures for those df'd each year, although there was this article:
*** w92 7/1 p. 19 par. 18 Elders, Judge With Righteousness ***
"In recent years disfellowshippings worldwide have been approximately 1 percent of publishers"
The chart above uses the Societies figures printed every year and is based on the peak pubs last year, plus those baptized this year, minus peak pubs this year. eg:
Year Pk Pubs Bap'd Left
2009-10 7,508,050 294,368 99,491
2010-11 7,659,019 263,131 112,162
2011-12 7,850,000 290,000 99,019
So in 2009 there were 7,508,050 pubs.
In 2010 another 263,131 got baptised. That means that in 2010 there should be 7,771,181 pubs.
But in 2010 there were only 7,659,019 pubs, giving a difference of 112,162.
I've taken this 112,162 to mean those who have left, died, or been df'd. Either way, it's 112,162 who no longer publish.
To be more accurate we need to acknowledge that this is the nett of those reinstated minus those disfellowshipped etc.
It's not accurate on a year by year basis (hence why I said it's 'not too far out') but applied consistently over many years it gives an indication of increase/decrease.
Gayle - Yes, 2011-12 is an estimate which follows the trend. I didn't mean to include it but we can now see if it meets the actuals when they are released.
There are some great charts already out there: