why isnt the Revelation book on the jw website.

by Sojae 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fed-up

    SPLASH, This is brilliant! thank you so much!

    Maybe someone pointed out their trumpet blasts didn't happen in date order, and they got embarrased.

    Revelation 8:7 - 1st Trumpet = September 10, 1922 convention in Cedar Point, Ohio. [Page 134, paragraph 18]

    Revelation 8:8, 9 - 2nd Trumpet = August 18-26, 1923 convention in Los Angeles, California. [Page 134, paragraph 22]

    Revelation 8:10, 11 - 3rd Trumpet = July 20-27, 1924 convention in Columbus, Ohio. [Page 137, paragraph 33]

    Revelation 8:12 - 4th Trumpet = August 29, 1925 convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. [Page 140, paragraph 39]

    Revelation 9:1 - 5th Trumpet = September 1-8, 1919 convention in Cedar Point, Ohio. [Page 143, paragraph 5]

    Revelation 9:13, 14 - 6th Trumpet = March 25, 1919 release from bondage. [Page 149, paragraph 4]

    Revelation 11:15 - 7th Trumpet = 1914 when Jehovah enthrones Jesus. [Page 171, paragraph 2]

    This, right here, is proof of how brain dead JW's are. The clincher...JW"s are not allowed to question this stuff, just told to accept it as "food at the proper time..."

    So, so Fed up...grrrrrrr.

  • paladin

    We went through book three times and makes me feel sick just to think about it.

  • Healthworker

    Remember a friend of mine who asked some questions at the bookstudy (he was actually on to something and smart - but we did not see that then). Well, one sister said to me after the bookstudy, that my friend needed a biblestudy to strengthen his faith!

  • watson

    He obviously needed more conditioning.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Did we study that "publication" about 4 times?

    At least 3 that I know of. The third time through was when I started choking on those stupid trumpet blasts and eventually bailed out.

    As my ex-father-in-law used to say, "Isn't it funny how a bunch of old ladies sitting under the trees at Cedar Point fulfilled bible prophecy?" And he never left.

  • sir82

    I think it was 5 times altogether.

    Truly one of the more wacked-out books the JWs have put together.

    I can't imagine what anyone not fully indoctrinated would think of it. Probably would rate it as an extended "Chick tract".

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    perfect1 >> Some wild stuff - over the years it made for great charts & drawings having nothing in common with reality.

  • Refriedtruth

    They had the gall to revise it at least twice even changed the images a little.Of course the ground zero for all their dates and prophecies is the bogus William Miller/occult pyramid derived 1914 date

  • QueenWitch

    I would love to be a harlot with an animal like that.

  • blondie

    The Revelation Climax book is the dumbed down version of the Babylon The Great book and The Finished Mystery book from the early 1960's through 70's. We studied those twice. The questions weren't in the book and they had to print question booklets.

    I remember the yellow-green Your Will be Done book too. Pretty tough going for a pre-teen.

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