Who (not what) is your guilty pleasure? (Controversial favorites)

by Terry 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    We all have somebody we are crazy about that almost everybody can't stand.

    If you mention their name your companions give you that "look" (ya know the one, like you just got caught picking your nose!)

    I was thinking about this the other day. I was truly curious if I'm mental or if everybody has a guilty pleasure list like I do.

    I'm just going to ASSume we all do until you set me straight.

    If you attach a photo and short explanation about WHY you like these pariahs it will be more meaningful.

    In no particular order here is my short list:

    1. Tom Cruise: This is a good person with a solid work ethic and great acting skills. When his dad abandoned the family

    he stepped up as a young man and single-handedly took on the role of rock solid provider. The fact that Cruise

    is steeped in crazy Scientology means little to me because, you see, I was once a Jehovah's Witness!!

    2. Ann Coulter: She amazes me! She's tall, blond, smart as can be and has a scathingly brilliant wit which is completely lost on her political foes.

    Coulter is 50 years old and looks 30. She writes best-selling political satire disguised as straight-ahead invective. Her courage is

    equal to Daniel in the lion's den. She goes on liberal TV shows and manages to come out smiling and unflappable. I love her MIND!!

    3. Christopher Hitchens: A true intellectual who read deep and wide and was fiercely honest in calling a spade a spade. Hitchens was an extreme Left-Wing

    polemicist to the Left of Ann Coulter's extreme far right views. They are poles apart! Hitchens, right up until his death from cancer, defended humanist causes and called out hypocricy even if it outraged society's views. He burned Mother Theresa to the ground, for example! Hitchens insisted on being water-boarded before passing judgement on the procedure. Talk about intellectual honesty!

    4.Bill Maher: Primarily a topical comedian and critic, Maher takes no prisoners when it comes to lacerating Right Wingers and other Republicans. He ridicules people of faith in no uncertain terms and was fired from his late night TV show for saying out loud that the 9-11 terrorists were "brave" men.

    When Maher has opponents on his cable TV show he never fails to listen--actually LISTEN to what they are saying! His NEW RULES is a big hit. He is very close friends with Ann Coulter, by the way! I think Maher is caustic but honest. He is also very very funny!

    5. Gene Scott: An outrageous TV preacher with a brilliant scholarly mind and a style for the common man! "Am I boring you?" he'd roar to his audience.

    Scott would sit in his chair comping on a cigar. His bristly white beard looked as though no comb had ever touched it. He consorted with the kind of people Jesus got along with so well: sinners! Scott took an intellectual approach using common language. He was a preacher for people who hate religion and preachers! His very young and beautiful wife, Melissa Scott was reputed to have been a former porn "actress". She took over his TV ministry after Scott's death and was an even better teacher! Scott would read about Pyramidology and Holy Blood Holy Grail and demand his audience send in money "only If I've taught you something!" He was an astonishly entertaining crackpot!

    That should indicate how far out my personal tastes are:)


  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Believe it or not, this believer likes Bill Maher. While I don't agree with him in his atheist views, his political views are usually spot on. And his discussion about the right wing fundamentalist views are usually shockingly accurate.

    Yes, I am a contradiction

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Another guilty pleaure:

    Don't know if the show will last, but Jeff Ross is hilarious.

  • Terry

    Believe it or not, this believer like Bill Maher. While I don't agree with him in his atheist views, his political views are usually spot on.

    Yes, I am a contradiction

    Personally, I don't think it is mentally healthy to stay inside our own bubble of belief and taste! You've demonstrted an openess to "other" which

    is--I feel--an indication of honesty. We can be fair to the good in people while being aware of those traits which are less than admirable.

    Besides, I always think: "Who am I to judge THEM?" I'm pretty sure we can learn with those with whom we disagree.

    When we were JW's we were coerced to never let the "other" side have their say. That is cult thinking!

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    1. Tom Cruise: This is a good person

    I've heard the rumors floating around that he may be losing his faith in scientology. Of course I heard other rumors that he just attended a scientology convention. But maybe he's starting to come around slowly like all of us did.

    Here are some quotes from "Star" (yes not the most reputable of sources).

    "Tom hasn't admitted that he's definitely leaving Scientology for good," an insider told the magazine. "But he's distanced himself from those in the church and has been hanging out with good friends who aren't part of the religion."

    Tom's been leaning on friends who have different perspectives, getting advice on moving on from Katie as well as on everything he's been going through with Scientology," the insider said.

    "He's finally seeing that being such an advocate for Scientology hasn't served him as well as he'd hoped - he's gone through three divorces, and his public perception has sunk to an all-time low."

    "Now he's lost the most precious thing in his life, he sees that his Scientology beliefs may not have hurt his box office [success] but have ended not one but two marriages. He lost Nicole and now his wife and daughter. He has always used the Scientology techniques but he has now realized they don't work in marriage."

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Charles Bukowski:

    Skid Row laureate. Voice of the voiceless. Good ole' boy who kept low to the ground. All-around asshole.

    Richard Dawkins:

    His way of explaining life is far more meaningful than any religious nonsense I've ever read.

    Ernest Hemingway:

    Wrote about being a man. Also, Papa got drunk and machine gunned sharks in the Caribbean.

    Louis CK:

    For me, the most real comedian since Carlin and Hicks.

    George Orwell:

    Brilliant and prophetic. The guy everyone quotes but nobody heeds.

    I have many, many more favorites but i'll keep it short.

  • tootired2care

    I'll bite.

    For political stuff I like to hear both sides for perspective. I like Bill O'Reilly, Ed Shultz for more serious talk, and Jon Stewart, and Glenn Beck for pure entertainment value. Believe it or not Glenn Beck actually does some fantantistic comedy.

    I love Hitchens, Dawkins, and Stephen Fry for how they have really taken religion to task for all of the bullsh1t they have shoveled over the years.

  • Terry

    Good stuff! Keep 'em coming, folks!

    Let's hear some more!!

  • talesin

    Ann Coulter! I am a flaming liberal, but I love her ability to laugh at herself. She KNOWS her positions are at times ridiculous, and exhibits, imho, grace under pressure. When I had TV, I remember watching her spar with Joy Behar, and it was great TV! Also, she is very smart. :P

    My guilty pleasure? hmmmm,,,, people? hmmmm...

    It would have to be Chef Gordon Ramsay.

    Oh, and Chelsea Handler. Have you seen Chelsea, lately?



  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Um, okay... now don't be throwing tomatos at me, but I actually (sometimes) like Rush Limbaugh....

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