If someone offers you $100,000 in cash or gold, will you take cash or gold?
by Iamallcool 32 Replies latest jw friends
Gold - it will appreciate over time. In the last 20 years or so gold has increased 1000% = kaaaaching
Cash, if in a sound currency. Gold is at a very high value, if a little lower of late than it was, but could be heading for an adjustment downward soon, when confidence returns.
if the cash was in US dollars - no thanks I'd take the gold. I might consider taking the cash if it was a different countries currency.
wha happened?
depends on the currency
Scottish Pounds are good. LOL
As noted, depends on the currency.
Gold has probably peaked, and will very likely decline in value over the next several years. So if it's a (relatively) strong currency, I'll take that.
I'd take the gold.
The gold, definitely