Why is The WT Org selective concerning things with pagan origin? For instance wedding rings they have no ban on wearing them and some wtnss say it is because it is commonly accepted now and no longer have significant pagan roots, but is that the point? If satan himself starts up something popular and as time moves on it loses its original satanic flavor it is ok for "True Christians" - i love how j dubs qualify that, to adopt it now as a practice? Isnt christmas for most part predominantly just a time with family and friends? When was the last birthday beheading you have heard of? The days of week and month on our calender all pay homage to pagan gods and human rulers and this is ok? And yes the WTS tried their own calender for a time and then scrapped that idea, and came back to reality. They have no basis for abstaining from some things pagan but not all
All Things Pagan
by Unbrainwashed publisher1 11 Replies latest jw friends
Christ Alone
Because they are required to follow the same actions that "separated" them from the rest of "Christendom", that happened when Rutherford took over. It really can ALL be traced back to him.
They know that there is a problem when they condemn Christmas as pagan yet say Rings are ok when they know that both have some pagan histories. But they are masters of double speak. Christmas is bad because it is pagan. Wedding Rings are ok because we do not associate paganism with them today. They forget that we do not associate paganism with Christmas today either...
It's ALLLLLLL Rutherford. He's the REAL guy behind modern Jehovah's Witnesses.
It called cognitive dissonance, a variety of brain damage.
I asked a JW recently about the pagan origin of her wedding ring and she said it was OK because it provided her with a measure of protection. My response was "Expediency makes it OK even if it's pagan?"
Just read a post over at Jehovahswitnessrecovery.com where a member shared a comment about how her mother said she would not be signing her text with a "xx" sign for hugs or kisses since it had pagan origins. WTF?
Where do they get this stuff?
The WT is selective about things with pagan origin because they are hypocrites and think they have The Truth tm
It's religion a la carte.
Pagan is another term for evil in Wacktower World. Other Wacktower words for evil... apostate, worldly, unbelieving mate, Catholic, homosexual, etc, etc, etc.
Check out Billy's thread Merry Pantsmas for some further insight: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/social/humour/186405/1/Merry-Pantsmas-Everyone
And just remember:
About 80 years ago, the Watchtower realized that the modern calendar has pagan origins, so it was unacceptable for True Christians TM to use. Being the intrepid souls that they are, they set about creating a theocratically correct calendar with weekday names like "Lightday" and "Heavenday", and month names like "Order" and "Vindication".
Evidently, this calendar did not get a welcome reception by the faithful, and was quietly forgotten in the dustbin along with Beth Sarim and Miracle Wheat. Fortunately, there is already a decent thread (with PDFs of the actual articles) about this fiasco, and I say it is a must read if you want to know how crackpot the religion is willing to go.
Was thinking about this point regarding 'All Things Pagan' have been looking into the Cross and the Stake , I know its all been discussed before ,Justus Lipsius etc, but just wanted to add this, I wonder if the WTBS realize that a 'tree' has much more Pagan significance than a cross could ever have. I dont think Rutherford must have known that. Please anyone correct me if i'm wrong, did'nt Rutherford, when he became president, change the cross to a stake because he discovered that 'the cross' was associated with a Babylonian God. Really, does it matter at all if it was a tree or a cross on which Jesus died, his death and resurrection was the important thing. It was just this point that I was thinking about, the only real reason that Judge Rutherford declared Jesus had died on a stake was just to be different. When you look at Jusus Lipsius's drawings or any of the other historians illustrations, you can see a stake yes but also an upright tree or stake upon which the victim, who is already carrying the crossbeam and then is attached to the upright tree or stake then making a cross. We all know that Rutherford or whoever it was decided on 'The Torture Stake' must have seen these drawings too, its just another example of how WTBS re-wright history or take quotes from others and turn them around to suit their purposes.