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by DIM 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    That's a good, logical letter. You really can't do much more than that.....just wait.



  • apostate man
    apostate man

    Sorry to hear that, DIM and DIMette.

    Keep in mind that your mother does love you because she thinks she is in Gods organization and you are "leaving" it. Any mother wants what is best for their children. What saddens me is that this may lead to shunning. I have personally seen this within my own family and am sure most of you have to.

    It's not so bad to finish second, because the other guy finished second to last. -A.M.
  • FrankRaven

    there is or was a small blue book called,"The Truth Book,"by the Witnesses.I believe it's called,"The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life."
    In that book there is a chapter called,"Why Is It Wise To Examine Your Religion."I have read it.I was,at one time,was to be a witness,but the WatchTower refused to answer a few of my question.
    But what was very interesting was,when I turned that chapter into the investigation of the WatchTower,I created a monster.I was threat to the WatchTower.
    The WatchTower turned into the Mighty Beast,as in revelations,as I went around asking questions like,"If Christ is the Mediator for only 144,000 what happens to us?"Or,"If Christ is Michael the ArchAngel,Why does the Bible say that no angel will inhert the kingdom?Or Why does the WatchTower teach that Jesus has the key to the bottomless pit?
    My ex wife was a Witness,so the WatchTower went through her.Through my ex,the WatchTower distroyed my family.
    Satan is very powerful.At that time I didn't think Satan would attact us,but he did.Through the WatchTower.
    Today I try my best never to underestimate him again.
    Peace Be Unto you and Let the Spirit of God help you.


  • Beans

    You can always e-mail Quotes [email protected] and he would love to help you!Remember you were asked to invite critical examination of your faith...
    WT Aug 15 1950 P.263
    That, far from being wrong, it is your duty to examine religion to see if it's true or false...
    WT Nov 15 1963 P.688
    That you should actively examine your religion...
    The truth that leads to everlasting life P.13
    That you should check both sides of the matter...
    Awake Oct 22 1973 P.6
    That your religion was in no way afraid of being exposed to scrutiny...
    Wt Aug 1 1978 P. 12
    That you should be willing to submit everything to scrutiny...
    Awake Aug 22 1984 P.22
    That you should not have a closed mind...
    Wt Nov 22 1984 P.22
    That you should actively refer to the older publications...
    Wt jun 15 1985 P.12
    You are encouraged to exhibit freedom of thought...
    Awake jun 8 as fact?1994 P.21


  • slipnslidemaster


    Take it from me, she's going to come at you over and over again at different times. Her crying will never really stop so just grin and bear it. Arguing "logically" with Witnesses is an oxymoron. After 132 years, their literature basically can support almost any arguement that you would like to support, however they don't care. If even their OWN publications SOUND apostate, they but the blinders on.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Easter so longed for is gone in a day."
    - James Howell

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