Will this open the way for CRIMINAL convictions of Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body and C.O.s?

by Balaamsass 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse


    Spanier told the Freeh team that he believed in 2001 that the encounter witnessed by graduate assistant Mike McQueary amounted to "horseplay," although an email sent by him to Curley at that time reflected a much more somber tone.

    Horseplay is fun!!!

  • DesirousOfChange

    The potential is there. We just need a perfect storm like Candace Conti. The public ness of the Sandusky issue is what has really led to their downfall.

    The Sandusky issue got its publicity because of the Sports Page. EVERYONE was acquainted with Penn State and its staff. They were local heros. Idolized.

    Now compare Watchtower. No one reads the Religion Page. No one cares about JWs and WTS (except those personally affected or even damaged). WT is small potatoes compared to Penn State. It will never get the publicity (as demonstrated by the Conti case, even tho it may have been the largest award for sexual misconduct ever). It's already Old News. Kinda like Old Lite. Gone and forgotten.



  • Vidiot
    Balaamsass - "Will this open the way for CRIMINAL convictions of Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body and C.O.s?"

    If it goes though, it would set a nice legel precedent...

    ...and as I've argued before, institutionalized sexual victimization is being brought to the public's awareness more and more, to their increasing dismay.

    Prosecuting the WTS in a similar way would provide a very convenient object lesson for the religious sphere of society, in part because they're small potatoes; they've no friends in high places to cover their backs, and no one would really sympathize if the justice system made an example of them.

  • james_woods
    There's no file that will be found that is as damning as what was found at Penn state. So the paper trail will end at someone below the GB.

    No kidding - this guy LIED UNDER OATH saying that he knew nothing about Sandusky - and then HID a huge box of emails proving the exact opposite. The investigators found the box of evidence.

    He is history.

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