Health - has anyone else suffered long lasting health effects from years with the Borg?

by Chariklo 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LongHairGal


    I have a slight case of OCD that I try to keep under control.

    Also, slight depressed feelings I sometimes get at certain times of the year which may have something to do with relatives who are gone.

  • creativhoney

    I've never met such a bunch of depressed ppeople:

    i saw a psychologist on exiting

    no health Issues aside from that - the depression was more when I was in than out. I think when you leave it's hard to socialise normally - I found that I lacked social skills - still think I do to a degree

  • perfect1

    Glander, LOL.

  • Tylinbrando

    i lost my mom to cancer when she was 48 and my father to suicide at 65. Both were related to over 40 years of turmoil at the hands of WBTS policies regarding shunning and blood. My Ex MIL is dying from cancer presently at 67 and the problem has been exacerbated by WBTS policies regarding child sex abuse. The Ex has had two rounds of cancer and presently takes many prescriptions. I believe growing up with an abusive father (high profile elder and current fugitive) has taken its toll on her health.

  • Lapuce

    Yes, cost me my marriage, major depression, many months off work due to not being functional, caused me to be suicidal, was sent in a psychiatric ward for 2 stays of about a month each, that was 9 years ago, I'm better now, but still have a hard time with social iteractions with people. It really ruined my life, I am starting to be better now as I finally met someone who I can have a relationship ans knows how to cope with me.

  • jemba

    Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks.

    Cured by finding TTATT. There is still some left over Depression and Anxiety but nothing at all like the hell I lived for the first 38 years of my life.

    I was a depressed little kid with absolutely NO self esteem. Its a cult for sure.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yep. Depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome - I'm not sure the WT caused them but it certainly prolonged and exaggerated the effects of them. I'm on half the medication now I'm mentally free!! I'll be on none the last time I walk out of that Kingdom Hall...whenever that may be.

    JWs are the physically sickest people I know. You're not a true JW 'til you've got some chronic condition or food intolerance I reckon.

  • Pickler

    I had Depression & self harm as a child/teen ..which I would say was 100 percent related to being a witness & being so alone & anxious about Armageddon.

    It took me a long time to learn how to look after my own health, so maybe neglect of my own health was a long lasting effect of being a JW.

    Where I grew up, there were so many obese people in the congregation.

    A lot self medicated with food or alcohol.

    oh, and my feet are shot due to the hours I spent on field service & at meetings in inappropriate but pretty shoes! That's totally my fault though...vanity!!

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