Doll, I did not assume that about you. You told me that regardless of what I posted, and regardless of what an atheist says, you think they may be angry, or you don't know if they are angry. I was just replying to what you said--not making assumptions.
Like I said everything I say about someone else is based off what they say, not mind reading. This is mainly because I lack mind reading capabilities. This is because I don't have anyone under a mind control regimen. I would need more resources and man power. I do, however, have a very good memory of the interaction I have here. I have noticed that many will say something that I will retain and they will not. Then when I make an observation in the future that uses past observations on what people have said, they take offense. Just know that I don't say things that are not based on observations and I never set out to expose vulnerabilities or hurt anyone's feelings.
Anyway, I'm off with friends for a while. It was nice chatting with you.
Thanks, you too.