What is the most fun you can have as a JW without punishment or guilt?

by usualusername 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername

    Hi All

    I was just thinking of of the fun I had since leaving the JWs and many things I have done since would fall foul of judicial action.

    Even inviting a female neighbour over for tea could have caused problems, which got me to thinking. How much fun can you have as a witness guilt free?

    Any ideas?


  • RubaDub

    You can take a walk into a nice park and envision how soon the entire earth will be a paradise.

    Rub a Dub

  • Unbrainwashed publisher1
    Unbrainwashed publisher1

    You get to go out in service and imagine everyone's house that you'll own once you get in paradise

  • james_woods

    I had a Porsche 911T Targa back in 1969 and got called into a little judicial counseling session for it.

    There was no punishment because I said my grandfather gave it to me as a graduation present from 2-year college.

    There was no punishment for college because I said my grandfather sent me to college as part of the family trust.

    There was never any guilt.

  • BluePill2

    Define "guilt" and I will tell you what you can do without punishment (the latter being the easiest to avoid, the first is where this question hinges).


  • cobaltcupcake

    You can share a pitcher of Kool-Aid.

  • sir82

    Based on local experience, it seems the most fun JWs have is waddling over to the Golden Trough, er, Corral, on a Sunday after the meeting and loading up a heaping plate or 4 of mac-n-cheese and ribs.

  • botchtowersociety
  • scary21

    You can go to a gettogether and eat lots and lots of good food.... ( Do they still call them get togethers ? )

  • TOTH

    if you are an elder you can molest kids and get away with it so long as two people don't see you do it.

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