Translated, especially for JT

by Yadirf 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf
    JUST remember this quote Friday for according to your belief system YOU ARE NOT SPIRITUALLY MATURE:

    Today's Watchtower lesson instructs Witnesses not to think for themselves when it comes to Bible understanding:
    Augest 1, 2001, p. 14, par. 8:

    First, since "oneness" is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rater, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and "the faithful and discreet slave." By regularly taking in the spiritual food provided "at the proper time" -- through Christian publications, meetings, assemblies, and conventions -- we can be sure that we maintain "oneness" with fellow Christians in faith and knowledge. -- Matthew 24:45.

    As posted by JT, here >>>

    Translated, especially for JT:

    #1 “He does not advocate personal opinions” = No brother should be spreading his OWN diverse opinions around in the Congregation. He should keep such opinions to himself, with the exception of #3 below.

    #2 “He does not insist on personal opinions” = No brother should demand that the next brother’s opinion is inferior to his own.

    #3 “He does not harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding” = Any diverse opinions which a brother might have should not be stealthily kept to himself (private/secret). If a brother feels very strongly that he has a superior “idea” on a particular subject, then he should not be secretive about it. He should follow previous published directives, which outlined the procedure to follow in such a case … dealing directly with the WTS. To do otherwise breeds disunity amongst fellow believers.



    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • JT

    Now this is one JW we all need to think-

    many NONJW think that former jw often times make up stuff like the post that Fridayt put here

    As I have said so many times before, we could not make up stuff this good


    your post are like the paper trail of the wt
    they condemn you -- and the best part or should i say the saddest part is


  • ashitaka

    #1 “He does not advocate personal opinions” = No brother should be spreading his OWN diverse opinions around in the Congregation. He should keep such opinions to himself, with the exception of #3 below.

    #2 “He does not insist on personal opinions” = No brother should demand that the next brother’s opinion is inferior to his own.

    #3 “He does not harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding” = Any diverse opinions which a brother might have should not be stealthily kept to himself (private/secret). If a brother feels very strongly that he has a superior “idea” on a particular subject, then he should not be secretive about it. He should follow previous published directives, which outlined the procedure to follow in such a case … dealing directly with the WTS. To do otherwise breeds disunity amongst fellow believers

    Whoa. Didn't think I'd ever hear a Witness admit to those controlling statements. Think they'll ever change........


  • JT

    Whoa. Didn't think I'd ever hear a Witness admit to those controlling statements. Think they'll ever change........


    your comment is on the money - each time the avg jw opens his mouth they insert foot

    you see i only want nonjw to see just how the avg mind of a jw is controled to the point where they view all thoughts must be at the whim of the Org

    I love these guys- in fact for them just to MERELY BE HERE ON THIS SITE IS so revealing about how they REALLY VIEW listening to the directions of the Slave Class-

    as one of the "Worldly guys" on my job put it the other day so nicely

    He said :

    "A JW is Damned if he comes here, caues his religion forbides him to be in a forum like this so they are viewed AS SINNING BY THE CHURCH and if he don't come here it shows that he IS controled by what they tell HIM HE CAN DO WITH HIS BROWSER AND WHERE HE CAN GO

    to observe a jw wrestle with the goofy dogmas of the wt and try to make some sense out of them is the most amazing thing to see

    as we have seen here with just this one poster Friday

  • JeffT

    Friday, take it out and spread it on your lawn. It'll make the grass greener.

    I'm a member of one of the largest churches in the state of Washington. Within the congregaton there are a wide variety of opinions on all manner of subjects relating to Bible intrepretation, prophecy, politics, economics, sex, the movies whatever.

    We are "one" in the most important area: we know that we are all Christians. Everything else is open to discussion, and sometimes we agree to disagree. "Oneness" does not mean you have to mindless accept the latest drivel printed in the comic book you are studying.

    JT, you're right, we can't make it up better than this.

  • JT

    Jeff you are a SICK DUDE:

    "latest drivel printed in the comic book you are studying"



    great post and point on cue

  • Reborn2002


    I love to when you guys and so many others expose Friday for the hypocrite he is. If youll reference the "Satan's Time is Lessening" thread youll notice ApostateMan did the same thing asking him to explain scriptures, but conveniently Friday did not have time, yet he can sit and post insults on other threads all day long.

    To unwaveringly follow the doctrine in Oz of a few old men who hide behind a curtain is amazingly humorous once you step away and look at it objectively as a non-JW.

    Jeff, I liked your reference to the WT being a comic book as well. Considering it is short, 28 pages or so on average.. they read or study 4 to 5 pages per week (dont want to overstrain their thinking ability now do we?) for 3 weeks.. it is written in very plain and simple English with small words so children can understand, and it is complete with illustrations.. who can argue?

    JT from your posts Ive read your a real cool dude. Keep up the good work gentlemen.


  • Yadirf

    1) JT
    2) aShitaka
    3) JeffT
    4) Reborn2002

    1 + 1 + 1 +1 = 4


    I thought for sure there was supposed to be only 3 stooges.


    I noticed that none of you could do anything but jeer. What's the matter? No brains? Or what?


    And you, Reborn2002, you didn’t present the facts as they truly are about why I didn’t answer ApostateMan in my other thread. I explained to you why I didn’t in that thread (Satan’s Time Lessens), and you come over to this thread not telling the truth about the situation. See here >>>


    If you're that anxious why don't you answer him yourself.

    No, I don't intend to answer him, and I'll tell you why.

    Before I could get around to him he posted for a second time, accusing me of avoiding his questions. I'm just not as fast as some people think I ought to be. If I ever do accommodate an attitude such as he's displayed it'll be by my own prerogative.



    See how this fella lies, folks! Any other lies you intend on telling before that one gets completely cold, Reborn?


    Oh, JT ... I've been meaning to ask you something. And I hope that you won't think that I'm racially prejudiced or anything. As you probably know a lot of my brothers are black (Negro if you prefer). Are you a Negro? I just wondered because of your expression "My Man". Is that some sort of a slur you’re using for some reason. I'm far from being paranoid about it, but why am I YOUR “man”? You’re not a black man that’s angry at white folk, are you? What’s the deal here? I don't think that I've ever seen you address any of the others here on this forum as "My Man", other than myself and perhaps You Know. That impacts me like maybe you're talking down to me. Are you a Negro looking down your nose at a white person here? I hope not! If so, does it make you feel particularly good? Do you have flashbacks to unpleasant memories? Come to think about it, your comments seem to reinforce my impression of you that you are talking down to another person here.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • jerome


    You should be the last person on this board to be pointing a finger at anyone on this board and insulting their intellegence.

    I dont know how you could have been exposed to all of this negative info about the wt and still have faith in it as being from God Almighty, farless the only Channel from Him.

    Think about it!

    You have seen the

    e.g. The destruction of Jesurlem was not 607. That date cannot be supported by any secular historical evidence and you know it.

    e.g. The organisation has Joined the UN after it has been condeming the rest of the world for doing the samething.

    False teachings,
    e.g. Blood transfusions are NOT scripturaly prohibited. And you know it.

    Changing history,
    e.g. 1914 was not the end of the Gentile times, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD.

    Information controll,
    e.g. We donot enteritain apostate literature. And you know why.

    Emotional controll,
    e.g. Look how angry you get when someone has something negative to say about Gods Channel, even if it is true.

    Behavioral controll,
    A silly example would be that you are discouraged from going to the bathroom during meetings.

    and still somehow still dont get it.

    No ofence but it appears as if you have the reasonablity of a six year old. Normal people donot think that way.

    When I see you admit to the following that they (THE WTBS) have been

    false teaching,
    phoney way to salvation
    Farce of a Church
    and are not the Truth

    Then you can gain some credibility.

    No need to tell me that i am wrong because

    everything above can be verified as it is documented. From you own books.


    Friday let me share something with you.

    Here it is.

    It is not normal to think the way you do.

    I am not the one to laydown what is normal from what is not after all everybody has their own mind.

    But the way you think is conter productive to scoiety. People are here to lift up oneanother. Not point out the bad in others and condem.

    You cannot justify your being that way by stating that you are no part of the world.

    Do you think that you can justify everything that you donot take part of because the world will end soon. The 1914 date is a sham. Simple as that.

    Friday could I borrow $10000 from you i'll give you it back just befor Armageddon, which should be soon.

    I am not trying to insult you personally but I get really annoied at stupidity.

    Look at the chance that you have got. Its all here laid out for you.

    Do you know how lucky you are to be here?

    The everyday person on the street will only tell you that your religion is a cult and wont be able to take the discussion any further. That dont have all the facts.

    While here on this board people can sit down and tell you why your religion is false in detail.

    They know all the good and they know all the bad.

    You can nolonger use ignorance as an excuse.

    Why would you want to continue to waste your life after all that you have seen posted here on this board.

    That reiogion will get you nowhere and fast.


    I would call you decieved but I cant. You have heard both sides of the story. So that would lead me to conclude that your reasoning capacity is seriously lacking. Or you could plead insanity.


    Why must you continue to defend the WTBS when they do not care about you. You are just a number, 1 out of the 7.5 mil.

    I dont need to tell you to wake up and smell the stupidity.

    People are here to help you. You cant get the help you need from that religion.

    You have been lied to from the time you first steped into a kingdomhall. So you had an excuse back then for joining. You were not given a fair oppertunity to examin the situation.

    But now you dont have a scape goat so what is your excuse?

    Does the good outweigh the bad?

    You are not someone to be looked down upon, not unless you allow yourself to be.

    You have a chance to free yourself you got all the facts at your finger tips.

    Now what do chose to do?


    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • ashitaka

    Jeering had nothing to do with my statement, Yaddy. What you said is the deepest of controls.....praising control while being under it. You can say you're under the godly control of 'God's Organtization' if you wish, but just read back what you wrote. It's sick.

    People were given free wills. This does not mean that we can hurt people unneccessarily.

    But freedom to question is what brought many people to the table of the Witnesses, yes? My father thought is was freedom until they used those three edicts of yours to control him and his family. They used him, and threw him away. He is not out yet, but leaving.

    For years they abandoned my parents, because they would not submit to the control of the elders, but they were doing nothing scripturally wrong, so they were content on just telling the flock to ignore my hard-working, over-tired parents.


    I remember no phone calls expressing TRUE concern for health.

    When my father would complain about this or that, the people would use some of the above rules to shut him up.

    If he saw something that wasn't right, his 'opinion' would be shot down.

    Let's discuss a few points.

    "Diverse opinions". Just on scriptural matters, lets say (although we both know elders apply this to all levels of 'christian living')

    So, someone doesn't agree with the generation change. They think 'new light' is 'past mistakes'. They say this. Forget a tribunal, the first cattle prod found would be used to kick them out of there. Why? The WTBTS is scared of losing their flock for NUMBERS' sake.

    Ever read Animal'll see what I mean.

    “He does not harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding

    Now this is the grossest of sins on the WTBTS's fault. It's like saying, here, so through the propor channels, and we wont do anything to harm you.

    You know better. Any person brings up something THEY believe is right and write the society (with a return address), you can bet there's going to be a JC.

    Use the generation teaching again. A fella writes the society expressing his displeasure at their just dropping it. He makes scriptural suggestions on what it could be. Do you really think that the elders wouldn't be notified?

    Of course, and most likely, bye, bye brother, or even worse for him, he would be 'marked'. For having an opinion and voicing it.

    Not being able to express yourself in a reasonable fashion is a crime. Even third world countries have some form of basic rights of free speech. It's what the bible is based on (do you remember Moses questioning God all of those times?)

    Yaddy, re-read your post. Think about what you said. It TRULY is disturbing to me. My post was honest, not sarcastic.

    The WTBTS situation would truly improve if they would let go of the noose of control, but that's not going to happen, as we both know.


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