Why do JW read more into something than what you mean or state?

by sinis 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD

    sinis: Can they not be social creatures, humans?

    Nope, it's jdubbed right out of them.

    "Normal" is not an option, because "normal" equals "worldly" and "worldly" gets you dead. So it actually makes sense to NOT be normal ... at least in JW-Land.

    Never forget, they are "The Happiest People on Earth!" ... and the thinkingest too!


    In Watchtower World..

    Your Mrs. is No Longer of any Value..

    That makes Her a.

    .................................. ..OUTLAW

  • Vidiot
    00DAD - "...it's jdubbed right out of them."


    Outlaw, you draw that 'toon yourself? If so, shouldn't the little sign read "Est. 1914?"

  • Finkelstein

    You have to clearly explain to your wife sinis the reality of cultish conditional love that goes on in religious cults like this.

    If your not partaking of their indoctrination process, JWS will only become friendly to people who are either JWS or who are

    willing to study and attend meetings, that is the set protocol for all JWS to follow.

    I might add that some people (JWS) will try to redo relationships with a hidden agenda to lure ones back to those that left.

    Again this goes back to the mental indoctrination by the WTS.

    It very much comes down to if your in or if your out , if your out one should be expected to be duly disrespected and

    of undesirable association.

  • nochoice

    Ditto on prior comments about conditional love. But I think it's even worse than this woman not wanting to befreind your wife unless she's into the Truth. Your wife is a POTENTIAL STUDY! That's huge! That's everything! Take that away, i.e, "you can talk to my wife just don't preach," and there's nothing left for this witness girl!

    It's not even the witness girl's fault. She's been trained to look for these opportunities. We're taught to go back to people who don't want our message time and again because thier circumstances may change. Interpret "circumstances may change" as tragedy will befall them. A loved one dies, or suddently they lose thier job. I've been in a car group many a time where publishers come back from a door elated that a call is suffering something new and different. Whatever it is, there's a brochure for that or a chapter in the Teach Book!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The real problem was your wife's inability to deal with the friend's mind control tricks. If she can deal with that, her 'friend' won't be a problem to her. If you have to constantly run interference to isolate her from cult members, you're going to lose.

  • perfect1

    Sales people only care about making the sale.

    The smile, the questions, the attentiveness are there until you exchange tender. Sign on the dotted line. Dunk yourself in a pool. You name it.

  • flipper

    SINIS- I'm so sorry your wife's friend is treating her this way. These JW people are mind controlled and only show conditional what they call " love" to other JW's who are as fanatical about doing WT functions as they are. It's a mental condition called " dissociative disorder " according to Steve Hassan's Mind Control books where JWs and other cult members become socially dysfunctional as they have NO real, authentic human empathy due to the misguided influence of the WT society's teachings. So if you can explain this to your wife, share with her about Hassan's thoughts from his books, then your wife may understand it's definitely not HER , but the mentally off friends who are under the influence of cult mind control which affects their personalities and totally screws up their perception of reality. Hang in there, please send our love to your wife, O.K. ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • biometrics

    Why do JW read more into something than what you mean or state?

    Becuase their entire religion is based on reading more into what is actually written / said in the bible. It's a short step for them to apply those same principals in every day situations.

  • sinis

    Thanks everyone. Even though I extended my hand to correct, what I perceived may have been taken the wrong way, her "friend", as of this time has NOT tried to contact my wife. These people are seriously fucked up...

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