James dont be such a dick
Painted TN, it is a very difficult and sad upbringing for a child. Those years only come once and are stolen forever. The threat and fear indoctrinated in you and constant policing by your very own parents for things you want to do by nature makes for a very inhumane youth. Parents that had a non JW youth that lock down the life of their own kids should know better. JW parents that were brough up brainwashed themselves know no different.
I would never force such a regime on my children. it only takes a scratch to the surface to see its all bollocks, youd think that a parent would at least scratch the surface before taking christmas, birthdays, education, girlfriends, parties, sports, music, films, games, friends and much more away from them. As Hitchens said even if it was true and god asked me to tie my firstborn to an altar and sacrifice him, id tell him to Fu*k off and id take the consequences.
But we can start our own life again painted TN, at any age, its all up for grabs and make sure you have fun now xxx now our lifes desicions are ours and not our parents.
I worked hard to undoctrinate my siblings, my nephews and nieces are enjoying birthday parties and will have an awesome Xmas this year. It makes me so happy to see them have what we were denied...I mean for goodness sake, no birthdays because on two occasions bad things happened in them? What about the absolute LIE that JW kids get presents all year round.... Bollocks! The worst memory is being dragged on the ministry on Christmas day, it was a semi wealthy area where many of my school friends lived. I remember being so sad and wanting to cry. All their nice houses all decorated, knowing they were enjoying nice food, presents and family time. I was handing out magazines on a cold day with my study group leader, wrapped up in coats, scarfs and cheap gloves. I remeber this day like it was yesterday... I knocked on my friends house, he opened the door,the warmth hit me and he just laughed... Neither he or his mum wanted magazines asking whether Jesus was a king or a baby in a manger... It was a low moment for sure. 18 years ago but raw as it ever was.
Cant wait to have kids and have awesome Xmas and birthdays x