I hope nothing happens to the Governing Body, the WT and all JWs

by 00DAD 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    No, really. Hear me out. It's not what you think.

    You see when GOOD things happen to them it's "proof" of Jehovah's blessing.

    When BAD things happen to them it's persecution from Satan and in a weird way confirmation of their beliefs.

    So the absolute best thing that could happen to them is nothing, nothing at all.

    Imagine it: mind-numbing repetitious nothing ... an infinite sameness without change, none at all .... nothing good would ever happen and nothing bad either ... just nothing, nothing at all .... forever and ever, Amen.


  • cofty

    I think that is a really good point.

  • kurtbethel

    Sounds a lot like paradise earth.

    Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses paradise earth eating fruit and petting lions forever

  • Finkelstein

    I'm contrary to that in that I hope there's a continuing exposing of the damaging aspects to this religious cult

    openly displayed for the pubic to see.

    The inter-net now is doing a pretty good job of exposing the hideous corruption of this cult.

    Amen for the inter-net .

  • 00DAD

    Cofty, glad you approve.

    Kurt, I was thinking something more along these lines:


  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I dont wish them bad, but I dont wish them well either. At times I may post something spiteful towards them, but I'm letting off steam. I just wish they were more cognizant of how their literature makes some people's lives hell. I think they're ignorant in that regard. With so many people kissing their ass at any given time, it's impossiblefor them to know how miserable others are in the organization.

  • 00DAD

    TS, you seem to be under the illusion that if they knew how people are affected by their actions, teachings and policies.

    On the contrary, I think they know, they just don't care!


    Thats never going to Happen..

    If the WBT$ needs Advertising..

    They`ll throw a few JW`s under the Bus and..

    Claim Persecution..

    ........................... ... OUTLAW

  • LostGeneration

    I've often though about this concept. One of the worst things for JWs and other end time cults would be a prolonged period of relative peace worldwide. Of course it wouldn't keep the GB from continuing to scream like Chicken Little, but it would sort of be a preventative action that might keep people from joining the JWs.

    Of course natural disasters are going to happen no matter what. And there will always be crime that gets 24 hour news attention. Events like this keep the current JW trapped in the end-times mindset.

  • 00DAD

    Outlaw: Thats never going to Happen..

    Agreed, but a guy can dream, can't he?

    LostGeneration: One of the worst things for JWs and other end time cults would be a prolonged period of relative peace worldwide.

    They've got that covered with the "Peace & Security" cry being yet another proof the end is near! -

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