Very sad.
70 JWs in horrific crash on way to a Convention
by Nambo 40 Replies latest jw friends
Really sad. My thoughts go out to the victims and their families. Seriously, I hope that their faith helps get them through this tragedy.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"Now, what will the watchtower do for THEM?"
Watchtower will send them a carton of the brochure, What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?
With 70 people on that one truck, it must have looked like the picture Scott posted.
I wonder if they are all from the same congregation, imagine that, your whole insular community decimated, those 40 injured, they are probably going to need some looking after, and despite its oil wealth, I dont think much finds its way to the people in Nigeria.
Every meeting those 20 empty seats are going to bring it all back.
Maybe the WTS will turn this into a fine witness.
Maybe the WTS will turn this into a fine witness......Watson
Fictional WBT$ Press release:
Our hearts go out to the Brave JW`s who broke Ceasers laws to get to an Assembly..
Some died,some recieved serious injuries,or lost a leg..
We`ve given them all the address to the nearest Red Cross..
When they are back on their foot..
They will no doubt be..
Hobbling & Hopping to the Kingdom Hall or out in the Field Service..
Ready to put their lives on the line..
To distribute WBT$ Literature,nobody wants or cares about..
To people who can`t read..
Sorry, I didn't see this thread ealier. I just re-posted from a google alert for Jehovahs' Witnesses and added keywords so it would get picked up. This stuff infuriates me. I remember dirt poor single moms driving rat trap cars 10+ hrs to attend "assigned" conventions. They had tears rolling down their cheeks...and they were not tears of joy. When I proposed RENTING a nearby facility for $2 per day per publisher for conventions I was shouted not "following theocratic direction" ....BS. It's all about more $$$$$$$$$$$ for "mother". Not about the down troden.
This could have all been avoided if they had walked like they normally do.
Amelia Ashton
With all Jehovah's billions you would have thought he could have set aside enough money to provide safe and adequate transportation for his worshippers. Tight wad!
that is very sad. But I was always told that jah protects his people on the way to assemblies.