Your reaction if they drop the shunning policy?

by jam 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD

    I doubt it'll ever happen. It's one of their primary means of control. That being said, if they did drop it, my reaction would be one of utter and complete shock!

  • jam

    I look at it differently. An example, my sister(not a JW)

    invites me to her musical concert at her church. Ok she

    knows how I feel about religion, but I went. Now they had

    a function afterwards and I was invited, talk to the minister and

    other members. So from what I can see, my sister is very happy

    in her belief, she have told her close friends and minister what I

    believe, I had a nice time.

    My JW nephew giving his first Sunday talk, my granddaughter

    giving her first talk, no way will I attend and be treated like I

    have some disease.

    The point, my sister knew when she invited me to her concert there was

    no way I was going to spew out my belief with the folks there. Why

    would I do that, they are not my friends I have no reason to do so.

    How many of you would attend the KH ,and I say occasionally if it

    wasn,t for the shunning? And when I say occasionally, to here family

    members only. I have no interest in socializing with folks at the KH,

    but I would attend to here family members speak, even if didn,t believe

    the BS.

  • panhandlegirl

    I have been shunned for over 30 years. After that long a time, I no longer know my sisters. There would be no change on my part, as another poster said: too much water under the bridge.


  • Hortensia

    if they drop the shunning policy -- "they" being the gb -- they still suck

  • metatron

    Even if the Watchtower drops it officially, Witlesses will do it unofficially. They are far more skilled in shunning than in showing love.

    Heck, as things are now, congregations are loaded with Witlesses shunning each other for trivial reasons. Try assigning sisters to give talks or work with each other in field service and find out.


  • Jadeen

    If the people that have shunned me realized just what a horrible and cruel policy shunning is, I would probably be able to forgive most of them. If these people stopped shunning me just because the Society said it was ok, I would keep my distance. After all, the Society could implement shunning again in the future, and I see no point to opening my heart to being hurt again.


    I am not DF'd, but I am fading and learning TTATT. The WTBTS is a business. Since when does a business do something that benefits anyone except themselves? Not very often. My wife was sad because Wal-Mart didn't have very good organic food. I told her not to worry, as soon as Wal-Mart figures out how to make money consistently selling better food, they will have a better selection. The same with hybrid and electric vehicles, they are not new. The Big Auto makers were never going to make them in mass quantities until THEY figured out how to benefit themselves by doing so.They would never have done it out of the goodness of their hearts. The GB is the same, except worse because the are deluded by religion and are legends in their own minds. The only way they would ever alter, or do away with shunning was if the alternative was worse for them. If they beleived that they could keep most JW's in by some kind of new light regarding DF'ing, then they would do it. If it comes down to survival and $, no new light is too bizarre! That's my 2 cents even though I heve never been Df'd. I have a brother who is and I have been trying to find him via facebook. I hope that he would realize that I was deceived and forgive me, but if he didn't I guess I couldn't blame him.

  • whathappened

    There would definitely be some hard feelings between me and the offensive shunning JW friends and relatives. I doubt they will ever drop the evil, hateful practice. Too many lives have been damaged due to this ridiculous policy.

  • mercedes_29

    I wouldn't care. Thos "JW friends" turned their backs on me and my mother who never did anything wrong. I wouldn't want to welcome people like that back into my life.

  • Phizzy

    I would send my DA letter to everyone in the Congregation, (Long one) and a day or so later to the Elders, (Short one which says I am DA'd by my choice, now go F yourself, and never contact me.)

    My life would continue as now, the occasional bit of family business with the JW relatives, and no more.

    They have shunned me, if only slightly, nothing like a DF'd person would experience, but and from then on I didn't want them back in my life, even if they leave the JW's !

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