But all congregation members, male or female, are subject in the same way to the BOE.
*** w07 2/15 pp. 19-20 pars. 8-9 Wives—Deeply Respect Your Husbands ***
Women can look to Jesus as an example, for the Bible says: “The head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God.” (1 Corinthians 11:3) Significantly, however, it is not only when women marry that they come under the headship of men.
The Bible explains that women, whether married or single, should submit to the headship of spiritually qualified men who exercise oversight in the Christian congregation. (1 Timothy 2:12, 13; Hebrews 13:17)
(Hebrews 13:17) 17 Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among YOU and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over YOUR souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to YOU.
If a woman is subject to all men, who comes first, father, husband, adult sons, the COBOE first, then the other two elders on the committee, and a subsequent list of men in order of importance? Rather women are subject to those taking the lead just as men are required to do so.
Does 1 Cor. 11:3 say that men are over all women, or husbands over wives?
*** w10 2/1 p. 28 Dealing With In-Laws ***Instead, the Bible states that “the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man”—that is, her husband. (1 Corinthians 11:3)
*** w74 2/1 pp. 90-91 par. 12 Finding Joy in Training Children ***appreciation of the importance of showing respect. Parents should set a good example in this regard for their children. The father should demonstrate respect for the mother, recognizing that she is a fellow heir of “the undeserved favor of life.” (1 Pet. 3:7) She, too, should show “deep respect for her husband.” (Eph. 5:33) Both of them should have respect for the elders in the congregation living in harmony with the Scriptural counsel: “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account.” (Heb. 13:17) By thus adhering to Jehovah’s ways they show respect for Jehovah and his theocratic arrangement.—1 Cor. 11:3.