MDS I wanna talk

by mommy 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    Thank you for replying on this thread, but I was the one who asked a question! I can see where the remarks waiting made needed clarification, and I thank you for doing so. Again you have not answered me. I am very sincere as I said before. Matthew 5:16. Also I am not a JW and have not associated myself with them for over 8 years.So here does this leave me in all this? I tried to bring up your quote but my PC isn't cooperating. Something about the JWs being stupid, faithless, and spiritually insensitive to the issues at hand. And you have been preaching to them and they are rejecting it. Well of course most of the people on this board are exjws. So I hope you are not counting your time, because you are not speaking to the right people.
    Thank you for responding:) It is nice to know your gender, I asssumed you were male too, sorry. I agree honey is MUCH sweeter than vinegar. Except that the ruler or founder of an organized study group who feels his word is the correct and only way. Then if he lets his followers preach and he slams his hand down on the desk yelling at everyone not getting it. Well then he is revered by his followers. This seeems to be the case here. You all GET it and we don't and somehow Matthew 5:11, 12 proves because you are persecutted then you are the true phrophet? I am sorry, I can't buy that. I could go on the corner of my downtown, and start proclaiming the bible as I see true. Guess what? I would be persecuted too! Yep I would, so does this mean I am a phrophet? I mainly wrote to MDS because of YOU and a few others. I read what you said on the other thread about studying and seeing that there was one among you that had the answers to the bible. Well I to have been to several study groups, they can get really intense huh? I have felt the spirit move there and it is TRULY a glorious feeling:) But I could go to several in one night to different houses and the spirit may be at each one, funy thing though, the message or interpratation is different. HHMMM what does this mean? When you are caught up in your beliefs and feel this is the only way you may reject me for saying this, but somethings about the JWs made you question them too. Because you left and studied intensly, and still continue to do so. I just ask that you REALLY know this is the only interpratation you are willing to accept, even to the point of dieng for it. You have questioned yourself before, but you had a group to study and interpret with. I ask that you really really really take a look at ALL the beliefs you have studied ON YOUR OWN. If you think this is a challenge, well I guess it is. I hope the best for you sister:)
    It was for you to brother that I wrote this thread(mainly for you) Logical you are not in a position in your life to start accepting new doctrine in your life! Lets face it, everthing is turned upside down isn't it? You are a young man, who is feeling very lost right now. Remember the dog analogy I used earlier? The dog doesn't care who fathers him as long as he has a home? Logical you have to find yourself and take care of yourself and interpret the scripture for yourself, before you can start excepting, practising and changing yourlife views for someone elses interpratation. I am doing to you the same as I did above I challenge you to look into YOUR heart, REALLY TRULY believe this is what you want. My love goes out to you.
    I hope not to offend anyone here, I am not on the outside looking in and trying to let you see it from my point of view. Yes I may have said some rude thoughtless things to MDS in the past. But I here by formally apologixe and promise not to pick at or make fun of your views again. I just have a "feeling" of where you are heading MDS, and my heart breaks for the people that are following you.

  • larc


    You said that the modern day Israelites will review The Report for SEVEN YEARS. (I used all caps, because I can't do bold print on web tv like you did.) Are your referring to the GB, the remant or all of JWS? Seven years doesn't seem like a long enough time to reach 6 million JWs. If you are talking about the GB, they wouldn't read if you sent it to them. As far as the remnant go, they would be awfully hard to fine. I think you have a logistics problem here. Also, when will this seven years begin and end?

    I have posted all my unanswered questions other places, so I won't go into them. Another person you did not address was Ianao when he showed several Bible scholar's interpretation of Scriptures in Micah that you had quoted. Do you plan to respond to that? I will ask one question again. Why do you say that other people should go to the Kingdom Hall, but you say that you don't? I thought leaders were supposed to set the example.

  • MDS


    First things first...before we go any, further...

    Now, I know you caught my NEW thread on Prophecies...didn't you?

    Sooooooooo. What do you have to say about

    a) Hosea 11:1 - all fulfillments listed for your perusal.

    b) Isaiah 11:11 - is there another "Israel," a modern-day one that REQUIRES DELIVERANCE by the Great Hand of God, from "Egypt", again?

    Multiple fulfillments or not of Hosea 11:1 ... which?

    Did I answer the question or not, brother? Which?

    Let's deal with this first. This is going to tell me a lot about you, my spiritual brother...whether I should continue with you or not.


    Edited by - MDS on 28 January 2001 17:34:12

  • mommy

    Why do you continue to respond to others on this thread but refuse to answer the FIRST question that was asked of you? I started this thread so that I may speak to you, notice the title? I WANNA TALK!!!!
    Are you frightened of me? Scared the followers will see the REAL you and not the verbal distractions you have created? Are you scared that YOUR purpose in life is being threatened? The validation you have as a leader is a real RUSH huh? I too get this RUSH when my children praise me too! Even though now they value my opinion and take my word as TRUTH, they will grow up and find their own way. I will not use fear, or long lengthy speeches, to keep them where they are now, still praising me. This would be unhealthy for them!
    You MDS imho are not who you say you are! False prophets have come before and will come again. Unfortunatley they NEED the validation of followers, sadly these poor people smile all the way to their deaths. Kinda a RUSH huh? Knowing someone is willing to die for you?
    I am standing on top of this mountain SCREAMING at you! SHAME ON YOU!!! I really do have love in my heart for you and those you lead. I really do care about where you all are heading! I would not have started this thread if I didn't.
    I do find it funny though that you continue to reply to the others here. Kinda like you are ignoring me or something, your not ignoring me are you? I went to a magic show in school when I was younger. Afterward all the kids got to ask questions, it wasn't organized just people in the bleachers shouting out their questions. I asked SEVERAL times"I saw you put the dime up your sleeve" But NOT ONCE did the magician reply to me. He did reply to the others though because they were asking the "right" questions. See the magician KNEW he couldn't pull the wool over my eyes, so he just ignored me:) Sounds familiar huh? BTW other children were answering his questions for him to me. I bet that really gave him a RUSH knowing he duped some and they were sticking up to him.
    I challenge you!

  • larc


    Yes, you did show that prophesy can be fulfilled twice. That was your best work. There are several other questions that I asked, plus Ianao's, plus mommie's. I know this is a lot to deal with, but when people ask, I think you should answer.

  • larc


    I have to retract my compliment on your proof. I took it at face value. After reading mommies comments on her research, I have to reconsider this whole issue.

  • ianao

    Hello everyone.

    Mommy, thank you for putting into words what I could not. Always the kind and caring one. Thank you!

    To everyone reading this thread, I give you one word of counsel regarding MDS and his "flock". I have conversed with MDS on this chatline, and from his speech to me he seems to think himself Jesus Christ (while his textual responses are otherwise...) I would like to remind you of the following counsel by Jesus himself, given to his disciples when they asked for a sign of his presence...

    Matt 24:

    Verse 4

    And in answer Jesus said to them: "Look out that nobody misleads YOU; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many...

    and in verse 10...

    Then, also, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and mislead many;

    and in verse 23...

    Then if anyone says to YOU, 'Look! Here is the Christ,' or, 'There!' do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones.

    Oh, MDS, Did I take this scripture out of context? I'm so sorry. Well, since Jesus' ordered his disciples to "make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit" (Matt 28:19) I tend to consider the rank and file just as much a DISCIPLE as the 'annointed', so the words of warning as printed above APPLY to everyone reading this thread who loves Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, as far as I am concerned.

    MDS, you can argue context, you can argue evil, it just doesn't matter. Intellectual and spiritual egotism go hand in hand. You would do well to listen to the advice of NickL on another thread and his counsel to Thinker's "intellectual egotism", because the book you quote from was penned in this world, and your knowledge of it came from skills taught to you as derived from this world.

    I hope you get the help that you need. And you really should at least respond to Mommy. I've talked with her, and she doesn't seem to lack any of the intellect of others on this board.

    Signing off...

    Edited by - ianao on 29 January 2001 0:49:45

  • larc

    God Bless You Ianao,

  • trevor

    Hi mommy,

    I too have noticed this tendency of the people mentioned above to avoid answering specific questions raised, in direct response to their postings, if they are inconvenient or awkward questions.

    I have, at different times, asked several questions and sometimes asked a person by name to reply. I have often been completely blanked. Pertinent questions are not welcomed if they threaten to weaken the rigid beliefs of the one asked. I have seen all this method of defence employed many time by Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Juggling scripture around to try to give the impression that one is knowledgeable becomes very tiresome after a while. Even more irritating is the habit of printing out large chunks of bible text - as though the rest of us do not have Bible, or are unaware that these passages exist.

    Firing scripture back and forth like a tennis match resolves nothing - the Witnesses have shown that. When Lark expressed doubt about the scientific validly of the Bibles account of the flood, Logical responded by quoting scriptures to show that God is unreachably high, his thoughts are higher, God chose the foolish etc. We are to dim to understand we must rely on faith.

    I asked Logical why he is so named if does not believe we can arrive at an understanding based on 'logic? Why are we expected to make decisions which our eternal life depends upon, if we are too stupid to understand the workings of God? These are simple questions; they should only require simple answers.

    I also asked J.r. some simple questions, he simply told me he would not reply to my negative attacks and wanted no further dialogue with me! What are you afraid of catching J.r. Does the honest examination of the Bible frighten you. It is clear that you have your own agenda.

    Are you seeking truth or trying to impress us with some new interpretation that the rest of us are too simple minded to grasp? According to Logical it is the fools that God has revealed these things to.

  • mommy

    Trevor thanks for responding:)
    I have noticed a jumping around in the scriptures.Mds on another thread tells us to JUST read the last part of a verse then jumps to another scripture. Imho this jumping encourages one to read,stop, accept,read, stop, accept, and leaves NO room for independent thinking.I for one when I review a verse in the bible read before and after to see deeper into verse. Believe it or not I have gone to the begining of books even. But like I said that is just my humble opinion.
    My reasoning in challenging mds is not to say I am smarter or I know the right answers by any means. Basically it is a protection for the weak among us. I want people to read this and be aware of the false phrophet that he is. Funny thing though he is JUST loving this because I am persecuting him(further prove for him).
    As far as I am concerned I am done. I have accomplished what I wanted to with him. And will no longer request my presence acknowledged.He knows I am here, and as I said before, he can't pull the wool over my eyes, as I proved on his most recent thread. I continue to pray for him and his followers though.
    Thank you all or your input in this:)

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