An elder came to visit last night, I had hoped that he came to wish me a happy birthday (I’m 41 today!) but no such luck.
He actually came to invite me to the memorial, the first official visit by an elder I have had for many, many years.
We talked about general issues at first, how I felt very angry at the way the Society lied and continues to lie to protect it’s butt.
Then happened one of those wonderful moments when you see someone do a double take, the issue of deception and hypocrisy came up and of course I had to mention the UN. At this point I assumed that the elder had heard all about the UN debacle.
Me: So, tell me honestly, how did you feel when you first found out that the Society were a registered supporter on the United Nations?
Elder: Excuse me? (this was when he did one of those double-takes with his head, almost exactly like you see in cartoons – very funny)
Me: I repeat the question, as I do so I realise that this elder has absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.
Elder: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Me: Yes, for the past ten years the Society has been a registered NGO (non governmental organisation) of the United Nations. Their tasks include promoting the aims and policy of the UN.
Elder: (shaking his head) No, the Society wouldn’t do that. The UN is the wild beast, they would have nothing to do with it.
Me: I assure you it’s completely true, I can show you…
Elder: I won’t believe it, where did you hear this?
Me: Well, if you want I can show you the official UN website…
That was it, the magic word – website. You could see the mental shutters come down, almost literally his eyes glazed over and WBTS conditioning took over.
Elder: Ah, the Internet, you can’t trust it you know...full of spiritual filth, lies, pornography.
Me: Yes, maybe, but this is the official UN website, I can show you…
Elder: No, I won’t believe it. If it’s not in the Watchtower I won’t believe it.
Me: And also there are official UN books, documents…
Elder: No, it’s not in the Watchtower.
Me: But surely you can look at and evaluate for yourself…
Elder: NO! I only believe what is in the Watchtower.
By now he is repeating ‘I only believe what is in the Watchtower’ as if it is a powerful mantra for warding off evil spirits. I felt sorry for him, politely declined his invitation to the memorial and he left, visibly shaken.
Now, I can understand this happening at the time the UN story first broke, but it has been how long now? 6 months or more? Why on Earth has the Society seen fit to leave its elders wide open to this issue? Surely by now they should have produced an info pack to help elders deal with this important issue in their own territories?
Perhaps they are just hoping it will go away.