Did you go a little nuts as you were waking up and making your exit?
I had a few of the symptoms listed in Hassan's, Combatting Cult Mind Control. I couldn't pull my thoughts together. Even simple conversation was a struggle for me. Mid-sentence I would lose my thought or not be able to come up with a word, so I would trail off and walk away out of frustration. The biggest problem, I found out by those around me, was that I became very angry and agressive. I knew I was having anger but I was not aware it was leaking out. I thought I had a handle on it. My boss man even thought I was taking steroids (I was hitting the gym pretty hard and showing results). Nope. No steroids.
The dust is starting to settle. The mental clouds are beginning to lift, I think... a little. I don't stammer and sputter so much when I speak. My thoughts seem clearer.
Maybe I went completely over the edge and I only THINK I feel better.