I could go on but I am too depressed today to think clearly.
by minimus 52 Replies latest social current
I could go on but I am too depressed today to think clearly.
the economy is already trending upwards and has been for quite a while.
the fact that it still hurts despite the upwards trends shows how low it had started sinking before he got into office.
i predict that come 2014, the overall economy will look better. especially when the health insurance exchanges kick in.
Rather, I sure do hope you are correct!
If you wait long enough it will do all three. I don't know in which order.
Yes, absolutely. I do think the economy will either change for the better, remain the same or get worse.
That is my prediction. It's a sure bet!
I suspect the economy will be recover quite nicely. We may not get back to 2007 levels soon but by 2016 we will definitely be on track.
I think it has little to do with who is president.
If the economy does recuperate, and the Republicans continue to infight and remain blindingly stupid, we'll have a Democratic president in 2016 and likely 2020 as well.
I hope Biden runs again for President. (Hey, the press loves him!).
I beleive it's going to be a very slow crawl out of the hole. It's is two steps forward and one back. Europe is slowing again with Spain in a recession.
Housing is still a mess but certain markets are returning to a moderate but sustainable level of appreciation.
I just hope we don't have to hear 2 years from now, that it's Bush's fault!
I think we will see some hesitation due implementation of Obamacare but all in all we will adjust and move onward to brighter days.
My husband was talking yesterday about his plans after his current project is over and he was upbeat, he hasn't been 'upbeat' since late 2007!
I don't entirely mind the US going into debt a bit more if it is over investing in education and innovation ......I see it as kind of like sending a failing student to tutoring to ensure they get the marks for a full scholarship.
What names are being floated for democratic nominee in 2016?