So I moved to another hall to better help me fade. So far it's been great although it is a very long and annoying process!
So I'm very good friends with the coordinating elder in the new hall since we've known each other for years and so instead of mailing them to the other hall he decided to pass them on to my dad so he could give them to me and for me to give them to the other hall. So here's the deal, I am now in possession of my very own publisher cards. After opening the envelope and holding them in my hands I got this feeling of both power and disgust as they show just how much like a publishing company they are more so than a religion! I read here in the past that if you ever got a hold of your publisher cards that it could facilitate your leaving but I'm sketchy on the details. Could you guys give me some advice (especially from elders, ex-elders, ex-bethelites) or info on what to do with them? It would be great as I never thought I'd actually have them! Thanks! OneDayillBefreeInfo on publisher cards???
by OneDayillBeFree 23 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry for not putting it into proper paragraphs I'm posting this from my phone!
oooh, good questions! I'd love to hear the answer as well.
free @ last
Bump. Want to hear the answer too.
eva luna
bump, I'm wondering too.
A long while back, I was given mine ( before a move) I tore 'em up.
Do I exist?
I don't know the answer, but I would lose it in the move!
yes and no. my advise is to shred them, but you still exist in that the local friends remember you. The branch does not in any way keep records on individual publishers, with the exception of elders, ms, bethelites, special pio, CO and DO. If you are just an average pub and your record card disapears then you are not a dubbie... except for the people who knew you your whole life and knew you were a dubbie... in the end those are the only people that matter anyway. so its really a sort of all in your mind thing.
I still say shred them
Just keep them, don't pass them on to the new hall.
Your dad and the new elders may ask at some stage what happened to the cards, which will be the tricky thing to explain. It depends how much you have faded and if you still ever go to the new hall.
The last time I found a tract in my door I burned it and then took the ashes outside and ground them into the dirt with my heel. Very satifsying.
Short of that, if you have access to a dog, you could smear them with dog food and let nature take its course.
If you were moving to a completely new area where no one knew you, shredding your cards would be the perfect solution, if your goal is to fade.
However, given that you know the COBE of your new congregation, it wouldn't work. He'll be looking for those cards, and if he finds out you shredded them the next logical question is "why?" A bit awkward if you want to fade.