For Ethos: The Basis of Christian Unity

by Londo111 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pubsinger

    Ethos said

    "Unity is a recurring scriptural mandate and a lack thereof can be greatly distributed to the varying denominations and sects in Christendom"

    This is just repeating the totally incorrect impression that the Watchtower paints of 'Christendom' and is certainly not based on any actual research, investigation or accurate information. They make sweeping statements about the different denominations which create the image of a constantly squabbling group of different churches at loggerheads with each other because of their differing interpretations which they jealously guard in isolation from each other for fear of contamination. They base these statements on historical origins of some denominations with their schisms from another but totally fail to consider hundreds of years of dialogue and reconciliation which have brought about the state of love and unity that Londo describes. Many JWs, certainly in the UK, think that Henry VIII is responsible for the Protestant Reformation!

    As is usual, unity is confused by uniformity. And the assumption is that unity cannot exist while different interpretations and traditions are tolerated.

  • DNCall

    In case Ethos reads this: What you perceive as Christian unity is in reality enforced uniformity. Having served as an elder for 26 years I can tell you that, in reality, there are many different approaches that publishers take to the Witness religion. You have the whole range between secretly disobedient to agressively beyond obedient, and everything in between. The majority go through the same prescribed motions (i.e., meetings, field service, conventions), giving the appearance of unity. However, many hold in contempt others in the religion who do not take the same approach that they do--a far cry from the love among themselves that Jesus said would identify his true followers.

  • notjustyet

    Want to know more about Unity, please view this video and let me know what you think about it.

    Just incase this "embedding" works.

    If not, look up "Walsh trial" on youtube

    The Channel of God: Part 1 - The Walsh Trial

  • carla

    nice job Londo! marking

  • Londo111

    I forgot to add my visit to the Presbyterian church, to the list of churches I’ve observed. Really kind people, especially the pastor. It makes me think of my ex-wife’s return visit was a Presbyterian pastor, a very nice, calm, patient man. In retrospect, I was an arrogant prick to him.

    Also, I love the ‘The Channel of God’ series! I hope more of these videos will be made.

  • Londo111

    Last night, I went to a Thanksgiving Service held at a church around the corner. There Disciples of Christ, Presbyterians, United Methodists, Episcopalians, and Baptists gathered as one. Each of the pastors either prayed or spoke or officiated in some manner. Members from different churches gave testimonies. The bread and the wine were passed to all. We listened to a united choir made up of members of the choirs from all these churches. After the service, we had snacked together and socialized.

    Coming from a JW background, I was impressed by the unity. This is the sort of unity that cannot be found at a Kingdom Hall.

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