A question for Christians.
by DATA-DOG 10 Replies latest watchtower medical
OK. Man was created to be earthly, right? Then Adam blew it. If God is all powerful, and can manipulate events to make prophecy come true, and could have the Holy Spirit overshadow Jesus in the womb to make him perfect.... Why couldn't he manipulate events to make all of us perfect and still who we are today? The Ancient Worthies got to have the ransom applied to them proactively right? It was as good as paid according to the Watchtower Societies teachings. King David committed murder and was spared for the sake of the ransom later on down the line. Why would God make us grow old and suffer just to resurrect us again to be on the earth. If you were born perfect because God's spirit overshadowed you and you learned that Adam and Eve disobeyed but God forgave you based on the merits of Christ, would you start complaining about God's sovereignty not being vindicated?! Wouldn't you be all, " Thanks Father, I love you for doing that!". I have perfect mind, and can perfectly trace out all the possible scenarios that would have occured if you had not stepped in. I can understand perfectly how mankind woulld have ruined his way on the earth. I shudder to think of that ever happening! I love you so much Father for your forgiveness and for stamping out evil.....
Hiding behind the " sovereignty " issue does not cut it. If you are all powerful and all knowing and all loving, why not forgive everyone? Get rid of evil and have people in a paradise from birth. Are people really going to complain because evil wasn't given free reign for thousands of years?! Do I need to come punch you in the face so you can appreciate how it feels NOT to be punched in the face?!
Whatever the real truth ends up being, going to heaven because the earthly plan needed to be changed makes more sense to me than the JW version.
umm i think the watchtower has the whole thing twisted from the start . i am a christain but i am not going to say i have all the answers. however i do believe what the bible says and at rev its jesus was the lamb slain from the founding of the world and god being all powerful knew before creations start what adam would do. like i said the wt says that god did not know adam would sin or he choses not to know, they use an illustartion about recording a sporting event, stupid if god is all knowing than hes all knowing. why is its gods will for things to have happened im not really sure.
*** Man was created to be earthly, right? ****
Romans 5:14 ...Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come.
1 Corinthians 15:49....And just as we borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.
Romans 8:29 ......predestined us to conform to the likeness of his son.
Ephesians 1: 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he [b] predestined us for adoption to sonship [c]
Shalom -
Datadog, you asking questions that come from a JW framework. The questions don't have answers because they begin with incoherent JW theology. The best I can tell you is that if you begin with JW crazy talk, you end with more of the same. Sorry.
First off I apologize for my wording. I was in a hurry. I wrote this:
Whatever the real truth ends up being, going to heaven because the earthly plan needed to be changed makes more sense to me than the JW version.
I meant: Whatever the real truth ends up being, going to heaven makes more sense because of the earthly plan being changed, than the JW version.
Unstoppableravens, The idea of God deciding mot to be all knowing at times is a very confusing concept.
Pterist, I agree with you. What's your " ancient worthy " belief?
Sulla, Yeah, I know..... my statements, although rushed and not planned too well, were just to illustrate the sillyness of the JW view. There are many problems with their system. I know we can't know it all, but they have soooo many unanswered questions considering they have the only " truth ". I was just spouting off about the subject while taking one too many pain meds!
Oh yeah, 1 more thing. If Christ is in charge right now and does the judging, then what is all the fuss about? He is so powerful that if he judges me worthy of death I can't stop him. So if I die, oh well... If he knows I am his sheep and I die then I am safe, so again why worry? What control do I even have? Why get worked up because my congregation thinks I am crazy and fears I may have apostate leanings? Why get upset because my wife is deceived by the GB? If she is a sheep, just deceived, then won't she be alright? Why should we even bother when we cannot change anyone? It just causes me stress and heartache.
Why the Hell did I post this in medical??!!! GD oxycodone!!!
Datadog, you asking questions that come from a JW framework. The questions don't have answers because they begin with incoherent JW theology. The best I can tell you is that if you begin with JW crazy talk, you end with more of the same. Sorry.
What Sulla said. He/she puts it better than I could!
yeah i agree wt logic is no logic at all yahweh knows all and he is in control
Watch the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe". Azlan the lion is like Jesus, Edmund is like man (Adam) and the witch is satan.
God is a god of His word, what He say He cannot break. When He said if Adam/Eve eat the fruit of knowlegde of good and evil they will die/perish, it cannot be changed. So hell is by default. But because of His mercy and love for mankind, He himself became the sacrifice/ransom (Jesus paid the price on the cross) so that mankind will have the 2nd chance.