Badge of honor - for apostasy!
by Vidqun 30 Replies latest forum announcements
Good for you!
By the way, they have not heard of the new light of the FDS = GB. They became very irritated every time I brought it up.
Sorry you had to go through an apostasy trial. It's frustrating when they are blind to the points you make with them. It kind of robs one the satisfaction of giving an official defense when it's so quiclky discounted in favor of some organizational policy read out of a secret book conducted secretly in a white room. It would be like in court presenting DNA and video evidence that proved you couldn't have done an alleged crime and the judge using a string and a shoe as evidence for your eternal conviction. There is something eerie about the whole thing. Thomas Paine wrote a publication called Common Sense in the 1800's, I guess they had the same problems we do. Congratz on the freedom, though.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"If you do not believe in the interpretation of the FDS = GB (right or wrong), you are an apostate. To protect the congregation you must be df'ed from the congregation.... They were kind enough to allow me 7 days to appeal their findings."
Oh, such wise and merciful judges! Clowns, the lot of them!
You should have responded that after carefully and prayerfully considering the thoughts they expressed, it's clear that you must df them for apostasy--placing imperfect men in the place of Christ. Maybe you could be kind enough to allow them the opportunity to appeal until 1914... er, make that 1925... um, 1975... how about a non-overlapping generation from 1914...?
If you work really hard, you may qualify for one of these
Congrats to you. I am DFd for the very same crime, thinking for myself and not bowing down at the altar of the WT corp.
In the end, I should have just DA'd, as DFing was inevetable. At least I could have enjoyed those three hours of my life.
But you are correct, it is a badge of honor to be labeled as an apostate in they eyes of the petty WTBTS.
Congratulations, you are free now. Let them keep wasting their lives away blindly obeying the corporation.
Whatever it is they are gaining out of it, it is a lot of refuse compared to being the owner of your own life.
Thank you all for the kind words. There were two young elders and one old one. The chairman, one of the young elders, opened proceedings with a very interesting scripture, immediately shooting himself in the foot. He read 1 John 5:20 (must come from the new "Shepherd"-book): " But we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us intellectual capacity that we may gain the knowledge of the true one. And we are in union with the true one, by means of his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and life everlasting." I think he wanted to stress the unity part, but then I pounced on the "intellectual capacity"-part. First of all, before the unity comes, one must be able to exercise one's intellectual capacity to distinguish right from wrong (cf. Hebr. 5:12-14). Must say, I enjoyed that.
In conclusion, the old elder ask me: "Where do I go from here?" as though my life has now ended by being kicked out of the congregation. I assured him I will continue my studies and research, as I have always done (I told them they should try it). The one young elder wanted to jump in and say the Internet (they know I get a lot of my information from the Internet). The older elder motioned him to be quiet to his credit. He did ask me and wanted me to answer. So I corrected him by saying that I have computer programs containing libraries of thousands of books, commentaries, translations, dictionaries, etc. So much so that I will not be able to work through them in my lifetime.
Marvin, I did end by saying I am honored to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. He was also maligned, persecuted and labelled as an apostate by his brothers.
Problemaddict, yes, I look after my mother, who is a Witness, but she knows where I stand. She also feels strongly about the paedophile issue because we had a paedophile in our family. The rest of my family members in the truth do not associate with me in any case.
Thanks to you for all the badges. I should ask the elders for my Apostate-diploma so that I can frame it.
Sabastious, I agree. The whole thing smacked of the Roman Inquisition during the Dark Ages. I wanted to tell them, no I don't want to associate with you either. What you have might be contagious, and I don't want any of that.
Billy, the irony is, even if I offered them a bowl of golden apples, they would have rejected it (cf. Prov. 25:11). And what you said of 1914, 1925, 1975, etc. Those are the reasons that I do not want to associate with them. I might get infected by such reasoning, even though it is explicitly stated: "Concerning that day and hour, nobody knows..." (nor the month or year for that matter). Is that blatant disobedience, or what?
Thanks, Satanus, I deserve that badge. Sometimes I can be one of those.
LostGeneration, don't know whether you felt the same, but it is as though a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel "fooltloose and fancy-free..." Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
Congratulations Vidqun.
Congratulations . . .
Now work toward the day when thier opinion of you or any label they wish to attach . . . means absolutely nothing to you.
It's one of the fruits of your true freedom . . . and worth attaining. Trust me.