Thank you
2013 January Our Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
For several months the highlights section has been an absolute joke.
What do you mean?! Shouldn't we all encouraged by the "new peaks" that seem to continually get set in the Turks and Caicos??
As for this perhaps bolstering the rumor of no more 3-day DCs...I'm a little relieved. I was starting to feel like I'd started a baseless rumor here a few months ago. Time will tell I guess. I still could end up looking like a fool!
They usually report a new in publishers for the USA in the Aug report which would of beebn in the Jan km. So there was no new peak?
Thanks Atlantis for the KM scan!
If you obtain a territory near your home, you and your family can conveniently use it for evening witnessing.
i am just sat here wondering what to say here - and finding this line very amusing. thinking how i cant wait to go back to KH and join convenient evening witnessing, when my husband getss in at 8
No one wants to be associated with an employee who disturbs co-workers in the name of religion.
it took such a long time after leaving before even my 'worldly' friends would treat me normally - ie behave in their own way in front of me - swear and joke - it just goes to show how weird I must have been to them - and it must have been worse in the workplace!
Thanks, Atlantis; you keep me up-to-date on WT shenanigans.
I pointed out to an inactive jw that the presentation "suggestions" never mention "Jehovah" and just use God. Usually 4 each month, 48 a year, and Jehovah - 0; kingdom - 2; Jesus - 1 (just in time for Christmas)
Oh, thanks Mandy for bringing this back up ... AND THANK YOU ATLANTIS .... AWESOME
Is there a new BOE letter?