what an evening

by wha happened? 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea EP. That was one of many concerts back then that landed us in the emergancy room. My buddy Pablo always seems to bump into the wrong guy or say the wrong thing. He had jumped off the stage and nailed one of the bounced in the head with his combat boots. The bouncers beat us black and blue. We saw the band Fear and Pablo managed to get himself stabbed.

  • EntirelyPossible


    My buddy passed out, stone cold passed the fark out (drinking in 90+ degree temps, no food, no water for over 8 hours, plus we started drinking at 10 that morning) at a Motorhead/Slayer/Slipknot show in September, he was buying us beer, cracked his head, i couldn't find him (assumed he had been ejected from the show for getting mouthy with cops as he had been known to do, never even crossed my mind to check with the medics), found him later that night after we both took cabs to the same bar for after show drinking.

    Good times. Good times.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?



    "If this band moved in next door to you, your lawn would die."

  • EntirelyPossible

    I do love Motorhead. Seen them twice, if Lemmy keeps good on his promise to not die, I'll get a third chance. Everything louder than everything else! We are Motorhead, and we play rock and roll!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    He scares me. but in a good way.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Did you see the documentary on Lemmy on the Palladia channel? It was amazing. Lemmy's advice to his son? "Son, please, don't ever do cocaine, it's a horrible, horrible drug that will destroy your life. Speed is much healthier."

  • mrsjones5

    That's sone scary shit. Glad you're feeling a bit better.

  • Chariklo

    Definitely sounds like some kind of flu or bug, but very short and very sharp...at least, it read as if it was short-lived but acute.

    The kittens sound lovely!

  • whathappened

    Don't tell any active jw's about this. They will say the odd illness is a sign that we are living in the last days.

  • NewChapter

    Oh Wha, I'm so glad you're feeling better. I have nothing but compassion for someone with the flu. It's horrible.

    One evening, I got a nagging ache in my side. It wasn't horrible, but it wouldn't go away. Then I got tired, so I went to bed. A few hours later, I was so sick and in so much pain, I felt a a dumptruck had run me over. Chills, fevered, shakes all that. Then I started projectile vomiting. It was like the freaking exorcist, and I could barely stand. My husband took me to the emergency room and it was a nightmare.

    The first doctor that checked me out was like 100 years old. He said, "You probably got a gall stone!" I wasn't really convinced. Then an older couple came in and I heard him proclaim, "You probably got a gall stone!" The staff was really snippy with me, and I was getting suspicious of this doctor as I heard him puttering around the emergency rooom. Then the nurse got irate with me, because I didn't want a shot of Demerol. I was so sick, but calmly trying to explain that the shot would not make me better, and I didn't want to suppress the symptoms before I had a diagnosis. I heard them talking about me at the desk like I had committed some unforgivable sin.

    More crap went on that made me trust this hospital less and less. The older couple were also given Demerol (the man, his wife was just with him). As sick as I was, I had to watch everything they were doing, because something was going wrong. That older doctor did not seem to have it together, and those nurses were bitches. Then a man came bleeding from a deep cut he got on the job. The old doctor went in to see him, and I sort of yelled (pathetically) "You probably got a gallstone." Yes, even when I am half dead on a hosptial bed, I am capable of snark. These people were scaring me to death.

    So then they sent a surgeon in to check me out, and of course I needed surgery. MAYBE the appendix, but they would do some exploratory surgery too! Well I needed some more answers before they did something like EXPLORATORY SURGERY on me! I asked for a second opinion. The surgeon told me that no other doctor in the hospital would come to any other conclusion. He acted very insulted that I had questioned him, and he wanted to cut me open and explore? I was beyond terrified!

    Well my husband was trying to soothe things, so he explained to the surgeon that I was just very afraid of surgery and a second opinion would make me feel better. As he spoke, in completely nonaggressive tones, he went to place a hand on the man's shoulder. A common gesture for him. The surgeon FLINCHED and jumped away from him and looked at him with suspicion. This kind of freaked me out too, because there was absolutely no aggression. He left the room, and I told my husband that I was very uncomfortable with a man who couldn't let my husband touch his shoulder, misreading some kind of aggression, CUTTING OPEN MY BODY AND EXPLORING!

    I kept asking questions, and the surgeon had finally had enough of me. He kicked me out of the hospital. He called an ambulence and had me transported. The other hospital was really irritated, and didn't hide it well, because the first hospital had performed nearly every test incorrectly and they couldn't use the results. So I had to go through them again. They didn't seem to hot to do surgery.

    After a while, I started to perk up. I was HUNGRY. The doctor came in and said, "You have the flu. Go home."

    And I did. 24 years later, I'm still posting! LOL.

    The flu. A cruel, cruel virus.

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