Whith this recent FDS and GB Debacle i cant think of one teaching that they have not altered since this org began?
Can you think of ONE teaching of Jehovah Witnesses that hasn't changed since the religion started?
by Unbrainwashed publisher1 22 Replies latest jw friends
Rule 1. " We are never wrong!!"
Rule 2. If we are wrong, see Rule 1
Their opposition to hellfire was a foundational teaching although it was adopted from the wider Adventist movement.
Strictly speaking you could say trinity but at one time they had no problem praising Jesus in song and prayer.
Actually, hard to think of one that hasn't changed since 1982 when I was df'd for apostasy.
Cofty, I think that things they do not teach, such as immortal soul, hellfire etc are not all that relevant, and of course they could always have some New Light and start teaching those things, not that I think that at all likely,apart from the divinity of Christ, they may soften on that in time to appear more main stream.
The interesting thing is that they do not have one doctrine that they taught uniquely in ,say the 1920's , post 1919 anyway, that they still teach today.
So, on what possible basis could Jesus have chosen them in 1919 or thereabouts as his FDS ?
"Their neutrality" J.W's will say, excuse me, they were not neutral in WW1 ! "Their honest heart" JW's will come up with next, excuse me, Rutherford& Co. honest ? LOL
As Ray Franz said, "to say that Jesus chose them in 1919 on the basis of what they were teaching then is an insult to Jesus"
wha happened?
That stupid look of arrogance when they knock on your door
The idea that souls (animal as well as humans) consist of a physical body plus the breath of life.
This is a core doctrine that is consitent with the Hebraic concept of soul prior to the Greek influence.
Although the idea that your thoughts perish at death dominated the thinking of the Bible writers there were subtle indications that there were other influences. Witch of endor materializing Samuel stands out. The Christian scriptures have a lot of confusion with things like the rich man and lazarus.
The JW stance on "soul" is solid. It is also the one thing in the Bible that agrees with science.
We don't have an immortal soul.
The witnesses have stuck to that.
Hope of life on a paradise earth, which was stolen from the Adventists.
The worlds going to end any day.
One thats never changed.
As others have said, what has stayed constant is their claim that only they have the "truth".
That paradise earth thing, whathappened, in its' present form, was cooked up by Rutherford in the 1930's. The original bible students all had the heavenly hope.