Great catch brizzzy!
His painting sure beats the Watchtower paint-by-numbers offering.
by Kudra 40 Replies latest jw friends
Great catch brizzzy!
His painting sure beats the Watchtower paint-by-numbers offering.
LOL, good one Brizzy. Is there even a JW drawing that *is* original?
Herodias, who told her daughter Salome to ask for the head of John the Baptist. Sure, it was a bitchy thing to do, but that was a badass piece of revenge.
"I vote for Jezebel - she scared the elite of the time 'sh*tless.'...." fulltimestudent, page #1
Hear, hear!!!
In fact, if this is going to be a deck of cards, Jezebel should be "queen" of one of the suits..."
"There is no woman in history with a worse reputation than Jezebel, the ancient queen who corrupted a nation and met one of the most gruesome fates in the Bible. This new biography posits that Jezebel was framed, and shows her as a proud and courageous queen of Israel."
I'm always fascinated by Jael and her come on into the tent and rest here's some milk and cookies while i hammer a tent peg through your temple
I vote for Mary(Jesus' mother). She was able to convince her husband, and future generations, that she became pregnant while still a virgin. Gotta love her.
The Song of Deborah is, incidentally, one of the oldest parts of the OT.
How about Salome Alexandra?
Salome Alexandra was the only Jewish regnant queen (from 76 to 67 B.C.E.), with the exception of her own husband's mother whom he had prevented from ruling as his dying father had wished, and of the much earlier usurper Athaliah. The wife of Aristobulus I, and afterward of Alexander Jannaeus, [ 2 ] she was the last woman ruler of Judaea, and the last ruler of ancient Judaea to die as the ruler of an independent kingdom.
Thanks everyone, I enjoyed reading up on these underappreciated women.
the whore who tried to jimmy jack the other whores male child. but solomon kok blocked that trick. she was all business. bordeline gangsta.
Over a thousand pages and barely a dozen women get mentioned or named. Given that Israel had such few women all the men must have been gay r something.