Yes, you make a very valid point of subsets within the cult.
I agree with "pioneer lunches" why invite the spiritually sick, poor, orphans, widows, weak and elderly to the King's banquet? Invite the Pioneers so they can pontificate what their right hand has been doing! Jesus also said "I came to help strong ones, not the sick ones! Healthy Pioneers need a spiritual checkup, sick one's should be tossed aside!" (Watchtower 3:16-28)
We have the "Cult Of The Pioneer", assumptions are made these men and women are more spiritual clean, psychologically-spiritually sound, and have a greater share of God's Spirit.
Pioneers are the first to be given parts on the "Kingdom Ministry School (nothing wrong with this concept, why not sure well seasoned one's to provide good parts?), Circuit Assembly, District Assembly, and offered the first chance for International Assemblies!
I am guilty of attributing qualities to Pioneers that many of them were greatly lacking (love, compassion, humility, honesty, truth, holy spirit, empathy, altrusim, willing to work with weak ones) and refused to work with weak ones when we begged them to! The Society's model has learned to cut their losses with weak ones, we were told a weak Witness burn's up more resources than trying to find a new recruit. Sorry, for this rant of Pioneering and the cult of of it.