Nephilim found in the State of Chihuahua

by bats in the belfry 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    The Broadcaster, July 16, 1925

    The Broadcaster was a four-page, second-class publication, that hoped to reach hundreds of thousands of persons through the mails. Later, this publication was discontinued, because so many failed to reach their destination. Witnesses everywhere were then called upon to put their efforts into distribution of The Golden Age, a magazine the circulation of which today is not merely in the hundreds of thousands, but in the millions. It is now known as Awake!

    1969 The Watchtower, October 15, page 637

  • Phizzy

    Did you mean Nephilim ?

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Phizzy >> Thanks. - Yes, Nephilim.

  • Sapphy

    What were the nephilim doing in Mexico?

  • Mary

    As soon as I see a sentence begin with the word "Evidently", you automatically know who wrote it.

  • jemba

    Ha, ha thinking of the tiny chihuahua dog and the giant nephilim. sounds like a BS story to me.

  • perfect1

    where else do giants go on vacation to drink corona

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    What stomped me is this:

    Were they suggesting that Nephilim could die a natural death here on earth before the flood came?

    And their Nephilim 'comrads' needed to bury them and then dematerialized into thin air? That's all news to me.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My Dad is from Chihuahua. He's 5'7". To a Mayan, he was the nephilim......evidently.

    The weasal words go way back. Why change up a plan that's working i guess

  • erbie

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