I received a vist from 2 sisters and a little 2 year old toddler about 2 weeks ago. My son said mom I think the mormons are in the neighborhood, the are getting out of cars. I started laughing...my parents are very active JW's with my father being an elder and my son did not know that this is how JW complete their preaching work. I said son those are JW. He was so excited to open the door because we never had a visit from the JW before.
So we both answered the door. The younger sister asked do you believe that you can live forever. My son said yes. She was very excited that he was ready to engage in conversation. She ask how, he stated it can happen through reincarnation, going to heaven. Then she asked me, I said I definitely believe in living forever by going to heaven. I'm a born again Christian. So then she was ready to open up her bible and then I stopped her. I said that I know of the JW beliefs very well. I was born and raised in the religion, my parents and lots of family members are still very active. I even let her know tht my father was an elder. She asked if I was baptised...this is where I did not tell the "Truth"...lol. I told her no..because really I do not count the JW baptism as being baptized. But the truth I was baptized, but have never been disfellowshipped and I'm very open about my Christian beliefs.
She then asked why did I not accept the JW faith. My son told her that I did, but because of my sister being disfellowshipped and the treatment that my sister received, that I quit going. She said that we should come by the hall and visit and ask if I would like a Bible study or for her to stop by for time to time. I politely declined and said that I did not understand freedom until I was released from the bondage of the JW beliefs. She was a little silent and the older lady then asked if we were interested in the Watchtower and this article about school for my College son. My son was happy to receive them and asked if they had a cost...she said about the donation. He gave her a dollar. She asked again about if we wanted a return visit...I told her we did not want to waste her time, that we were very happy in out beliefs. But when my parents come to visit we will make sure to let them know where the Kingdom Hall is located. We live in Texas and there really are not alot of Kingdom Halls. She gave us her telephone #, my son said give it to my mom..because I'm not taking my grandparents to the JW Church..it's a little too relaxed for me. My son is 18 yrs old and he joked you guys need some good music in your church and a preacher to get it going. She laughed and then asked him when was the last time he visited a KH...he said I must have been around 8 or 9. She asked why didn't my parents take him...we both laughed. They were probably afraid of me commenting about how much I love Christmas and just do not understand a religion that don't celebrate Christmas. This was something that my son has and still tell my parents all the time...(now it's a family joke).
Anyway...it was a good visit. I don't feel it's my job to tell them about their religion. But it's definitely my job to let them know that I'm very happy with my beliefs.