I've heard Elders say more than once that if the congregation isn't productive, there is probably an apostate in the midst; since the holy spirit doesn't seem to be upon the congregation. Anyone ever hear similar claims before?
Apostates and the Holy Spirit
by iamwhoiam 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
yeah similar, old old cong allegedly had the holy spirit withdrawn from it,only because the elders were up to no good.
Seems so medieval. The crops falter and they look for a witch to burn.
Proof that I am not apostate, regardless of whether I agree with official teachings of the men in Brooklyn or not. The cong. I attend is doing very well on almost all fronts.
Ummm. That wouldn't probably fall under official teaching. Probably just a bad elders excuse.
rather be in hades
i wonder if one of those elders saying that was also molesting children in the flock...
ha ha. in our cong it was because the brothers were drinking during construction of the hall, early 80s i think. "jehovers spirit was not upon the building."
Don't you remember that bad pat h when it was awful in the cong? Jehovah's spirit must have left and then it came out that brother so and so was cheating on his wife.... Yawn lol
Must be A LOT of apostates in the Congregations then, as no growth in most of them.
Wonder if that applies higher up, too?
The most powerful force in the universe is blocked by the sins of a handful of individuals. And apparently not covered at all by that ransom sacrifice thing. Paradoxes abound.